Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

  • Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association (1 speech)
    Many times during my career in public office, I've stood with working people to fight for better wages and conditions. In particular, I've always advocated for working people in the retail, fast...
  • Agriculture: Chemicals (1 speech)
    You might be excused for wondering why those opposite are so obsessed with Peter Dutton. Senator O'Sullivan, I think we should keep a tally during question time on how often they mention Peter...
  • Housing (1 speech)
    Australians are facing the worst housing crisis in the history of our nation. This is not something that's happened overnight, yet it seems to have taken the government completely by surprise....
  • Tasmania: Education (1 speech)
    I worked for a long time in registered training organisations and I think they do great things. I believe RTOs have a place in the skills and training mix alongside TAFE, universities and short...
  • Charitable Organisations (1 speech)
    A charity sector helping Australians through one of the most challenging economic periods in nearly a century, and a Labor government failing to support it, even actively making its job harder....
  • Royal Commission Into The Robodebt Scheme, Middle East (1 speech)
    I rise to speak to the anger and frustration of the community following the recent reporting on robodebt. It is beyond the pale for proponents and architects of the scheme to wheel themselves out...
  • First Nations Australians: Economy (1 speech)
    Australia's first peoples have been traders, innovators, entrepreneurs and knowledge holders for over 65,000 years. We have unbroken mind of invention, innovation and resilience. Our contribution...
  • New Caledonia (1 speech)
    Today I would like to talk about the staunch, powerful Kanak peoples, who are, at this very moment, rising up against the occupation of their land by the French government and are fighting for...
  • Economy (1 speech)
    I'd like to talk about a very serious topic, a horrible situation that I know all Australians have been thinking about. Over the break, I came across a troubling article. The headline read 'The...
  • Climate Change (1 speech)
    Under the Paris Agreement, Australia committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 43 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030 and to the net zero ambition by 2050. These targets are part of...
  • Australian Capital Territory: Community Sports Facilities, Australian Capital Territory: Multicultural Communities, Cybersafety (1 speech)
    It is great to see the parliament starting to talk about the concerns that many Australians have about the huge shift from a play based to a phone based childhood for Australian children and what...
  • Senate (6 speeches)
    What an unlooked-for opportunity, with a couple of minutes to go before we have two-minute contributions being led off, I think, by Senator Henderson. In this Senate-only week, it should be the...
  • Antisemitism (1 speech)
    I rise to raise serious concerns that an encampment at the Australian National University has been re-established today. These encampments have fuelled so much antisemitic hate and incitement on...
  • Cybersafety (1 speech)
    I rise today to speak about very important news for mums, dads and grandparents all across Australia. That is that the Albanese Labor government will be introducing a minimum age for accessing...
  • Australian Broadcasting Corporation (1 speech)
    Our ABC has a diversity and a race problem. In June 2022 a damning internal report into workplace culture at the ABC found that First Nations employees felt undervalued, ignored and discriminated...
  • New South Wales: Local Government Elections, Media (1 speech)
    Last weekend we had the local government elections across New South Wales, and in my Hunter region I had a few friends who were successful and a few friends who weren't. I had a Labor friend, Jay...
  • Women: Superannuation (1 speech)
    I want to speak about women and superannuation. There's been a lot of talk about that here in the chamber, both today and yesterday, and I want to speak about it again, because it is something...
  • Queensland State Election (1 speech)
    Queensland has an opportunity for change on 26 October. Queenslanders deserve a government with long-term vision. They deserve a government that won't keep going down the path of more crime; poor...
  • Chronic Pain (1 speech)
    Today I want to acknowledge people suffering from chronic pain. Chronic pain is extremely debilitating, and difficult to understand for people who have never experienced it. Chronic pain is...
  • Western Australia: Leederville Community Forum (1 speech)
    It was great to hear directly from hardworking, straight-talking people of Western Australia at the community forum I held in Leederville on Saturday. They didn't hold back, and neither will I....
  • Pathways to Politics for Women (1 speech)
    I rise to talk about the Pathways to Politics for Women program. The program was recently run in Western Australia for the first time. I had the privilege of attending their recent graduation. It...
  • Political Leadership (1 speech)
    People don't trust their government, and rightly so. Whether it's Prime Minister Albanese here in Australia or Keir Starmer in the UK or 'Cackling' Kamala in the United States, we are led by...
  • Welcome to Country Ceremonies (7 speeches)
    It was hardly surprising to see a welcome to country before the opening of the Brisbane-GWS AFL match last weekend, but what was surprising was the assertion that these ceremonies have been...
  • Tasmania: Early Childhood Education and Care (1 speech)
    Family day care centres in Tassie are at risk of shutting down because of silly government rules. I've said this needs to be changed, and now the Productivity Commission has backed me up. The...
  • Balit Ngulu, Law Enforcement (1 speech)
    People often ask me about alternatives to incarceration. Today I want to talk about one program that is successfully diverting kids from jail and getting them on a good path. Balit Ngulu is a...
  • Health Care (1 speech)
    Women 's health is an absolute focus of the coalition, whether it be helping women who live with chronic conditions like endometriosis, supporting women on their journey through menopause or...
  • Insurance Industry: Genetic Testing (1 speech)
    Today I recognise the importance of the government's announcement to ban the use of adverse genetic testing results in life insurance underwriting. The government recognises the benefits of...