Senate debates

Thursday, 19 September 2024


Personal Explanation

4:10 pm

Photo of Jacinta Nampijinpa PriceJacinta Nampijinpa Price (NT, Country Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians) Share this | | Hansard source

I seek leave to make a personal explanation under standing order 190.

Leave granted.

In the Senate a short time ago, Minister McCarthy stated:

Yesterday Senator Nampijinpa Price asked a question about the Central Land Council full council meeting on 17 September 2024. In my answer I explained that I was aware of the meeting. I also explained I was not aware of any motion to remove the CLC chair prior to the meeting. Senator Price incorrectly asserted in the Senate that I was not aware of the outcome of the meeting by 2 pm on 18 September 2024. This does not reflect my response to her question during question time …

Presumably, she was referring to my comments during the suspension motion yesterday, where I said:

I'm utterly gobsmacked that the Minister for Indigenous Australians had no idea that the chairperson of the Central Land Council was removed from his position last night under very concerning circumstances. I find it utterly ridiculous in fact that the minister had no knowledge of this occurring, especially by 2 pm the day after, right before question time, when I sought answers from the minister.

This was in response to the minister's answer during question time, and I quote from Hansard:

I was certainly aware that the Central Land Council was having a meeting, but with regard to your question about Mr Palmer, no, I'm not and wasn't aware of that.

That is, 'No, I'm not aware,' as at 2.38 pm yesterday. The minister has misled the chamber and ought to come in and correct the record.