Senate debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Statements by Senators

Water Infrastructure

1:32 pm

Photo of Marielle SmithMarielle Smith (SA, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I'm proud to represent all of South Australia, but I'm especially proud to represent and fight for its far west coast communities where for too long apathy has taken precedence over advocacy, where the primary healthcare service was allowed to descend into it catastrophic state of disrepair, with black mould and asbestos and staff members getting electric shocks plugging in their phone charges, where the roof was literally falling in and where, despite it being represented by two Liberal members of parliament, it took an election commitment from Labor to secure the funds to rebuild. The community of Scotdesco is one of the communities on the far west coast that relies on this health service, but it wasn't just their health needs which have been going unheard. Scotdesco has been grappling with major challenges of water security. Not connected to any main water network and without the kind of financial support that has seen a more affordable water supply for other, nearby communities, Scotdesco has long relied on its own catchment system, and in November 2019 that system ran dry. The community had to truck water in, costing four times what it should have. Ever since, I have been advocating on behalf of the community of Scotdesco for a sustainable, long-term water infrastructure solution. That's what our government is now delivering.

This week we celebrated the handover of phase 1 of the Scotdesco water security project, which will deliver new household rainwater tanks and guttering and replace outdated pipes and connections, all aimed at maximising and improving rainwater collection to ensure a safe, reliable drinking water supply. Clean drinking water is not just a necessity; it's fundamental for a healthy life for all Australians, including Australians in remote communities, and I am deeply proud to have made this project a reality with the support of former minister Linda Burney and now Minister McCarthy to make this a reality for the far west coast of South Australia.