Senate debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Statements by Senators

Road Safety

1:35 pm

Photo of Ross CadellRoss Cadell (NSW, National Party) Share this | | Hansard source

We've had a few finals in the last couple of weeks for different sporting codes, but I think we can all agree we're coming to the peak of sporting stuff in Australia: the Bathurst 1000, which is on Sunday this week. My first words in here were about coming to Hell Corner. But, in a slight change, I want to talk about one of the drivers, David Reynolds, who won the 2017 Bathurst 1000, and the steps he made pre COVID. Not many people saw, but he spent some of his own money to try to create a campaign against road rage.

He'd seen it and, as a supercar driver, he was looked up to, so he did a whole program with his own cash, going forward. He found out that 36 per cent of male drivers aged 22 to 39 have admitted to, at least once, chasing another driver when angry. He linked that with AAMI and paid for a survey to be done through Monash, which said that that 93 per cent of those surveyed had been subjected to aggression from other motorists during their lifetime, while 43 per cent had perpetrated aggressive driving in retaliation to others. That's drivers admitting they'd been aggressive. Forget the ones that won't admit it—that's 43 per cent admitting to it.

This supercar driver identified a problem with young males and their rage on the streets, which we all see increasing, and went and spent his own money to start a campaign, the Curb the Rage campaign. He had a line of stuff ready to go. Do you know those little trees you hang off your windscreen mirrors and that smell pretty? He had little 'chill' ones of those.

The story was all going forward, and then COVID happened, and he got shut down. Everything he invested in that has gone away. I've picked up his pack here. I'll be going around to see some ministers and shadow ministers to try to get some support out there for this program to stop young men from heading down that rage road, that painful road, and to keep the roads safer for all of us. Well done, David. Good luck on Sunday. I hope we can get some support for you.