Senate debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Statements by Senators

Pensions and Benefits

1:45 pm

Photo of Penny Allman-PaynePenny Allman-Payne (Queensland, Australian Greens) Share this | | Hansard source

The majority of people in this country support raising the rate of income support. This Labor government went to an election saying that no-one would be left behind. Every day that people continue to live in poverty in this country is because the Albanese Labor government has chosen to ignore the pleas of people who are struggling to survive on poverty payments.

We must hear from those people who are locked out of this place. One person told me: 'The disability pension is not enough money to live on, especially while paying rent on your own. Sometimes I've gone without food, and I haven't bought clothes for over a year.'

Fiona told me:

I receive the partner rate of DSP

Disability support pension—

because my partner is on a very low income. I suppose I should be grateful it hasn't cut off leaving me fully dependent on him. We are able to make rent due to my parents helping out.

I would benefit from assessment for ADHD and autism, however that is well out of reach. Treatment for those may see me more likely to rejoin the workforce, however we are unlikely to find out at the current costs of these.

I moved further out into the regions for a suitable house, however due to car problems—we are attempting to maintain two 25 year old cars—I am often having to cancel my medical, psychological and social appointments and see my own family less.

The rate of DSP and all other payments needs to increase dramatically, and the partner rates and income tests need to be removed to give people more independence and safety.

These stories are just a couple among many. Every day we don't raise the rate is a political calculation by the Labor government to keep people in poverty.