Senate debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Statements by Senators

Bowen, Mr Luke

1:49 pm

Photo of Matthew CanavanMatthew Canavan (Queensland, Liberal National Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Australia's cattle industry owes a debt it can never repay to Luke Bowen, who helped save the live cattle industry in 2011. Tragically, Luke passed away at a young age last month, leaving many heartbroken. In 2011 the overnight ban of the Australian live cattle export industry caused chaos among the entire cattle sector, which was already struggling with drought. Cattle prices crashed everywhere, not just in those parts of the country that sold cattle to the live trade. There was a panic among industry, and into that panic Luke stepped with a calm but determined strategy.

He was one of the first to realise that the issue had to be made about the human impact of the ban. As head of the NT Cattlemen's Association at the time, he organised a press conference at Parliament House. The stars were the two kids who were decked out in massive Akubras, standing with their crestfallen parents explaining the impact that the ban had already had on their family. Almost overnight, the mood changed. Australians realised that the government's knee-jerk ban was causing massive harm to Australian families. Within weeks the trade was reopened. Luke had helped save not just the live cattle trade and the graziers that use it but the thousands of truck drivers, jackaroos, fencing contractors and many others from financial ruin.

Luke's example remains a template of how to respond calmly and professionally to a media panic. His example should be taught in communications classes for generations to come. Luke understood and cared for people. Politics is filled with moments of panic and stress, but Luke demonstrated that the most important attribute for any leader is to keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you. While Luke's life was cut far too short, he helped so many over a long career in agricultural leadership and in public service. After leaving the cattlemen's association he helped drive the development of the northern Australia agenda as a senior public servant. He was a wonderful father figure to his own son and four stepsons. My heart goes out to them and to his partner and soulmate, Tracey Hayes. Vale, Luke Bowen.