Senate debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Statements by Senators

Youth Voice in Parliament Week

1:53 pm

Photo of Larissa WatersLarissa Waters (Queensland, Australian Greens) Share this | | Hansard source

I'm proud to be taking part in Raise Our Voice Australia this week, amplifying the voices of young Australians in my home state of Queensland about the things that matter to them. Today I'm going to share the words of Gillian, who I believe is in the gallery up there watching. Gillian says:

As I write this, I have tears in my eyes. Tears resembling the sad state of affairs that our community is in today. Tears that resemble the fear for my future and that of those to come. Port Arthur. A tragedy that cost 35 Australian lives. A tragedy that saw swift and immediate action from our parliament. Described as the deadliest massacre in modern Australian history, but I would have to disagree.

Since, approximately 5000 Australian lives have been lost as a result of family, domestic and intimate partner violence. During the period of July 1 2022 to June 30 2023, there were 84 recorded domestic homicide victims from 79 incidents. More than double Port Arthur, and yet far from the most terrific 12 month period that Australia has suffered at the hands of domestic violence.

Gillian continues:

I struggle to find words other than a massacre to describe the choke hold domestic violence has on our community. Our next parliament needs to introduce and implement campaigns and curriculum to tackle this issue head on. Although, we don't need to reinvent the wheel. There are numerous community initiatives that have had tangible impacts but, if at the turn of each parliament, these programs are defunded, we have no hope. I want to see an Australian parliament that is committed and takes prevention seriously, rather than the revolving door of reactive legislators that we have seen for the past two decades. How many lives is too many? How many lives need to be taken to warrant swift and immediate action?

Thank you, Gillian, for your very moving contribution, and, of course, the Greens' hearts go out to all victims of violence in Australia.