Senate debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024


Central Land Council

5:13 pm

Photo of Maria KovacicMaria Kovacic (NSW, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

At the request of Senator Nampijinpa Price, I move:

That the Senate—

(a) notes that:

(i) on 17 September 2024, the Central Land Council removed Matthew Palmer as Chair,

(ii) there are serious concerns regarding the process leading up to, including and following his removal,

(iii) during question time on 18 September 2024, the Minister for Indigenous Australians confirmed that she was not aware of the action of the Central Land Council, had sought a briefing but refused to confirm whether an investigation will be conducted, and

(iv) on 4 October 2024, a significant group of Arrernte elders and their supporters rallied in Alice Springs calling for an inquiry into the Central Land Council generally and its treatment of Mr Palmer specifically; and

(b) requires the Minister for Indigenous Australians to attend the chamber on Thursday, 10 October 2024, at the conclusion of formal business, to provide an explanation of no more than 5 minutes on whether an investigation will be conducted into this matter, and that:

(i) any senator may move to take note of the explanation, and

(ii) the motion may be debated for no longer than 30 minutes, shall have precedence over all other business until determined, and senators may speak to the motion for not more than 5 minutes each.

Question negatived.