Senate debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

  • Australian Greens (1 speech)
    A rules based order based on freedom is the basis of our society and, sadly, it is my melancholy duty to inform those who are listening and watching that the Greens do not share such views. The...
  • Colonialism (1 speech)
    The British monarchy will soon touch down in Australia. This visit is a timely reminder that the stain of colonialism is still with us and of the persisting refusal of this country to detach from...
  • Youth Voice in Parliament Week (1 speech)
    Today, as part of the Raise Our Voice in Parliament week, I'm going to read a speech sent to me by a 12-year-old student from Charles Weston School, in Coombs, named Satjit. Satjit writes:...
  • United Kingdom: Prisons (1 speech)
    Some people may have seen the news recently that once again British jails are overcrowding. We know they've been here before of course, but this time their solution is not new convict...
  • Tasmanian Government (2 speeches)
    Mike Grainger, former chairman of TT-Line, gave evidence yesterday to the Public Accounts Committee in Tasmania in the hearing into the debacle of having nowhere to park the new TT-Line vessels....