Senate debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Statements by Senators

Youth Voice in Parliament Week

1:31 pm

Photo of Jana StewartJana Stewart (Victoria, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I rise today to make a contribution on behalf of Callum and the Raise Our Voice campaign. I'll read some words from him:

My name is Callum. I'm 17 years old and I'm living in the Nicholls electorate.

Over the next decade, I envision a Victoria with affordable cost of living for residents regardless of background or income.

Inflation has made life difficult, with rising prices on groceries, rent and everyday necessities.

This issue affects not just me, but my friends, family, and everyone in our community. It's crucial that we create a future where people can live comfortably without constantly worrying about how they'll make ends meet.

Investing in renewable energy infrastructure would cut power bills for households strained by costs. Supporting small local businesses and farmers through tax incentives or subsidies could lessen our dependence on imports and other inflated costs.

Improving financial education in schools would equip the public with skills for budgeting wisely in unpredictable economic times.

These strategies, among others, hold promise for relieving cost pressures and strengthening community well-being.

In closing, taming inflation must be a top priority for policymakers dedicated to building a just and sustainable society for all.

I urge our representatives to pursue practical solutions and work towards a Victoria where every resident can live without undue financial stress.

Together, through compassion and innovation, we can fight to ensure future prosperity remains within reach of every member of our community.

Callum, I just want to say thank you very much for your contribution to the Raise Our Voice campaign. Rest assured that the Albanese Labor government is committed every day to relieving cost-of-living pressures on every Australian. Thank you for contributing to the debate.

1:33 pm

Photo of Nick McKimNick McKim (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | | Hansard source

I have the privilege of reading this speech written by Konan, a young Tasmanian, as part of the 2024 Raise Our Voice in parliament campaign.

My name is Konan, and I'm from the Franklin electorate in Tasmania. In the next 10 years, I want the absurd hypocrisy in my community and in the Tasmanian Government to change.

Politicians and citizens claim that they absolutely love living in Tasmania, amongst the vital ecosystems that help us thrive in countless different ways.

We are known to have unique native species and some of the most carbon dense forests on the planet, yet native forest logging is the HIGHEST EMITTING SECTOR in the Tasmanian economy.

To get a grasp on the scale of this issue, 40% of all native forest log volume in Australia comes from Tasmania, which is more than WA, NSW and Queensland combined. Some might argue that it provides jobs for Tasmanians, but figures from 2021 show that just under 1% of all Tasmanian jobs come from the logging industry.

It's crystal clear that cons from native forest logging overwhelmingly outweigh the positives. So let's end this hypocrisy, and end native forest logging.

Hear, hear, Konan. I couldn't agree more with you. Thanks for defending our native forests, thanks for your moral clarity and thanks for raising your voice for Tasmania's magnificent, carbon-dense native forests and all the amazing creatures in them.