Senate debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Statements by Senators

Western Australia: Road Infrastructure

1:55 pm

Photo of Matt O'SullivanMatt O'Sullivan (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Those that have been in this place for a while have no doubt heard about the project in Western Australia called Roe 8 and Roe 9. The federal and WA Liberal team have been longstanding advocates of this project, because, unlike those opposite, we understand the importance of safe and efficient road infrastructure within our communities. Despite WA Labor stopping this project after it had commenced in 2017 and the Albanese government wasting no time in removing the funding, Roe Highway will need to be extended one day because the volume of trucks that must use Leach Highway is getting out of hand.

Another project that will alleviate significant traffic congestion and safety on Leach Highway is the Shelley Bridge widening project. This is a project to widen the Leach Highway from two lanes to three lanes where it crosses the bridge over the Canning River. This project is essential for local communities in Tangney and Swan. Every university student driving out of Willetton, Shelley, Riverton and beyond needs to travel over Shelley Bridge to Curtin University. Tradies, small business owners, kids on their way to school—thousands of Western Australians use this bridge every day. Removing the obvious bottleneck that is the Leach Highway over the Canning bridge will reduce commute times, increase productivity and, ultimately, make our roads safer.

I want to acknowledge Howard Ong, the Liberal Party's excellent candidate in Tangney, for his outstanding work in advocating for this very important project.