Senate debates

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Statements by Senators

Middle East

1:34 pm

Photo of Nick McKimNick McKim (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | | Hansard source

There's a genocide underway in Gaza, and Labor has made Australia complicit. We're complicit because we're exporting Australian-made military hardware that is being used in the genocide. We are complicit because we've failed to take the necessary international action to resist the Gaza genocide. We are complicit because our government won't even call it a genocide despite overwhelming evidence as the slaughter of innocent civilians continues. The Liberals cheer on the brutality in Gaza with a bloodthirsty enthusiasm that renders them wholly unfit to hold office, and Labor talks out of both sides of its mouth. They wring their hands and call for balance yet they refuse to hold the state of Israel and its leaders accountable for a genocide. This is not neutrality; it's complicity.

Australia must stop exporting military hardware to Israel. Australia must impose sanctions on Israeli war criminals, like Mr Netanyahu. Australia must stop siding with the murder of children in Gaza. Australia must end its complicity in the deliberate displacement of Palestinian people from their homes to be forced into concentration camps. End the slaughter in Gaza. End apartheid in Israel. Choose a ceasefire over the profits of weapons corporations. Choose enduring peace over violence against innocent people. Stop burying children alive. End the slaughter and end the Gaza genocide.