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Bob Brown, former Senator

- Former Australian Greens Senator for Tasmania
- Became a Senator on 1 July 1996 — Federal election
- Left Senate on 15 June 2012 — Resigned
Most recent appearances in parliament
- Motions: Murray-Darling Basin (9 May 2012)
“Mr Deputy President, I rise on a point of order. I object to that reference to any division as a 'mickey', and I ask that you desist from using it.”
- Motions: Centenary of Canberra (9 May 2012)
“I move: That the Senate— (a) notes: (i) the national significance of celebrating the centenary of the foundation of Australia's capital city, (ii) the opportunity for tourists and local residents to experience historic, cultural, sports and entertainment events and...”
- Questions on Notice: World Heritage Areas (Question No. 1571) (8 May 2012)
“asked the Minister representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, upon notice, on 29 February 2012: With reference to the Minister's response to a question without notice on 27 February 2012 (Senate Hansard, proof p. 22), what components of the protected wild rivers of south-west Queensland fail to warrant protection under the Environment...”
Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, Senators may do other things not currently covered by this site. (More about this)
- Has spoken in 0 debates in the last year — well below average amongst Senators.
- People have made 9 comments on this Senator's speeches — well above average amongst Senators.
- 157 people are tracking whenever this Senator speaks.
- Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "she sells seashells") 846 times in debates — well above average amongst Senators. (Why is this here?)