This data was produced by OpenAustralia from a variety of sources.
Lee Rhiannon, former Senator

- Former Australian Greens Senator for NSW
- Became a Senator on 1 July 2011 — Federal election
- Left Senate on 18 August 2018 — Resigned
Most recent appearances in parliament
- Parliamentary Representation: Valedictory (13 Aug 2018)
“I've been very fortunate in my life. Being a senator with the opportunities it presents to work with communities for social justice, genuine democracy and the environment has been a huge privilege. I thank the workers in this building: the cleaners, the grounds people, committee staff, security, IT workers, librarians, COMCAR drivers, catering staff, attendants and all the other staff who...”
- Bills: National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation Bill 2018, National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2018; Second Reading (28 Jun 2018)
“The Greens support the swift passage of the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation Bill 2018 and the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2018. As the previous speaker, Senator Doug Cameron, said, it is a step but it is a very small step. We do welcome the bond aggregator. In fact, the Greens suggested it...”
- Bills: National Security Legislation Amendment (Espionage and Foreign Interference) Bill 2018; In Committee (28 Jun 2018)
“We've come to one of the most serious aspects of the legislation before us, where people can be jailed for the rest of their life. For people who are listening to this or reading it at some stage, it's probably worth them understanding what is happening. The minister hasn't been that particularly cooperative, but we have got onto a new section and he was being half reasonable and starting to...”
Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, Senators may do other things not currently covered by this site. (More about this)
- Has spoken in 83 debates in the last year — average amongst Senators.
- People have made 6 comments on this Senator's speeches — well above average amongst Senators.
- 18 people are tracking whenever this Senator speaks.
- Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "she sells seashells") 497 times in debates — above average amongst Senators. (Why is this here?)