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Senator Mehreen Faruqi

- Australian Greens Senator for NSW
- Became a Senator on 18 August 2018 — unknown
- Email me whenever Mehreen Faruqi speaks (no more than once per day)
Most recent appearances in parliament
- Matters of Urgency: Middle East (26 Mar 2025)
“It's not a conflict; it's a genocide.”
- Matters of Urgency: Middle East (26 Mar 2025)
“Today is the National Day of Action for Palestine. Last year, during this time in Ramadan, I couldn't stop thinking about Palestine. Every moment—fasting, breaking my fast, sleeping, waking, working—Palestine was on my mind. I kept wondering: how could things possibly get any worse? The genocide was live streamed for the world to see. It wasn't hidden. I don't think I will ever be...”
- Bills: Crimes Amendment (Repeal Mandatory Minimum Sentences) Bill 2025; First Reading (26 Mar 2025)
“I move: That the following bill be introduced: A Bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1914, and for related purposes. Question agreed to. I present the bill and move: That this bill may proceed without formalities and be now read a first time. Question agreed to. Bill read a first time.”
Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, Senators may do other things not currently covered by this site. (More about this)
- Has spoken in 57 debates in the last year — above average amongst Senators.
- People have made 0 comments on this Senator's speeches — average amongst Senators.
- 5 people are tracking whenever this Senator speaks — email me whenever Mehreen Faruqi speaks.
- Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "she sells seashells") 437 times in debates — average amongst Senators. (Why is this here?)
Register of Interests (What's this?)
Mehreen Faruqi's latest interest statementLast updated: 8 Mar 2023