House debates

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Statements by Members


1:58 pm

Photo of Craig KellyCraig Kelly (Hughes, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Isn't it wonderful to hear members of the Labor Party complain about electricity prices? We know that under their watch there was a 100 per cent increase. They come into this chamber and they complain about electricity prices. I can tell you, Mr Speaker, the constituents in my electorate know one thing: they will get lower electricity prices under a Liberal coalition government than they will under a Labor government any single day of the week.

I say to the Labor Party: if you are really concerned about electricity prices, if you are really concerned about protecting jobs in this nation and doing the best thing you can for this nation, abandon totally your 50 per cent unreliable energy target and abandon totally your 45 per cent reduction in emissions and your Paris target. Come on board with the coalition. Sign up. Sign up to the National Energy Guarantee. Sign up to the coalition's policies. You talk about bipartisanship and you talk about providing certainty for the market. The energy minister sitting down there in the front has given you the opportunity to do so. It's time you put aside your ideological dreams with the Greens, get on board with the policy and put consumers first before going after the green votes of the basketweavers of Balmain.


Tibor Majlath
Posted on 25 Oct 2017 6:11 pm

Remarkable arrogance in wanting Labor to 'come on board" while indulging in such name-calling.

The member proudly declares that under the Coalition we "will get lower electricity prices under a Liberal coalition government than they will under a Labor government any single day of the week". Only time will tell.

Not much comfort though, since my bills have continued to increase under the Coalition in only four years by 14% for 1KWH and by 45% for network charges per day. It won't take long to outstrip Labor's record with these increases.