House debates
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Matters of Public Importance
Turnbull Government
3:27 pm
Christopher Pyne (Sturt, Liberal Party, Leader of the House) Share this | Hansard source
The coalition is not going to be lectured by the Labor Party about standards. I have been in this chamber for quite a while, and I could give you example after example of the Labor Party standing by some of the worst members the House of Representatives has produced—the member for Dobell being a classic case. But I don't even need to go back that far because right now, in the current Labor caucus, are two people who should not be in the positions they are in: Senator Kitching, who the Leader of the Opposition referred to earlier, and Senator Dastyari, who is back on the frontbench of the Labor Party. Senator Dastyari was required to stand down because he got donors to pay his personal bills for him. He didn't just fail to declare donations from Chinese donors, from foreign donors, to the Labor Party in some kind of administrative muck-up; he actually asked donors to pay for his own personal expenses!
Mr Champion interjecting—
As the member for Wakefield said, who is rarely in the House—
Tibor Majlath
Posted on 28 Oct 2017 9:09 am
Pity that there is no independent authority with the power to lecture political parties and hold ministers accountable when they so often abrogate their responsibilities.
Because one group behaves badly does that give others the right to behave accordingly. That is what this juvenile waste of question time implies.