House debates

Wednesday, 18 October 2023



4:59 pm

Photo of Patrick GormanPatrick Gorman (Perth, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

In the past week we have seen the devastating loss of innocent life due to the horrendous attacks on Israel by Hamas. It is crucial that, as Australians, we stand up and unequivocally condemn these terrorist attacks. These are acts of evil. They are the heinous acts of terrorists, and we come together now to unite against such actions. Australia opposes terrorism in all its forms. Australia stands shoulder to shoulder with Israel. We recognise Israel's right to defend itself. I note that, far from representing the Palestinian people, Hamas undermines Palestinian needs and aspirations.

We continue to call for the unconditional release of hostages and note that the world has witnessed a devastating loss of life and that innocent civilians on all sides of the conflict are already suffering. The scenes we are seeing are deeply upsetting and I reiterate the Australian government's calls for the protection of civilian lives and the observance of international humanitarian law. As a nation, our guiding principle has always been the pursuit of peace and progress towards a just and enduring two-state solution where Israelis and Palestinians can live within secure borders. We know that one of the many tragedies in what Hamas has done is that any prospect for peace has been pushed further from reach.

Like many in this place, I know that many in my community are following these scary developments very closely. I've spoken to a range of community leaders in the Perth electorate. It is home to a vibrant multicultural community. We do have different religious and cultural groups co-existing with mutual respect and understanding. It is something that we're very proud of. If I reflect back to when I was first elected as the member for Perth, one of my very fond memories is of being very kindly invited to the home of Joan Hillman, who was then the president of the Jewish Community Council of Western Australia. Joan very kindly invited me to her home for dinner to meet with a range of Jewish community leaders. That has resulted in some longstanding friendships and a deep engagement with that community, a large amount of which is based in my electorate to Perth.

I also note that we are again being asked to respond to horrific terror attacks. I am proud of the gatherings we've had to reject these terror attacks, as I was when I joined with the community outside the Perth mosque in Northbridge after the Christchurch attacks. At that event, I said, 'Australia as a nation is at its best when we are showing compassion across the world.' What I've seen in the last week is that we've gone out of our way to show that compassion, and we are at our absolute best as human beings when we are showing that compassion. Again, I've seen that in what has happened with some of the gatherings, and I note that we were able to have a message from the Prime Minister read at the gathering of the Jewish community in Perth last week. At that event it was very clearly stated to the community that the Prime Minister had said:

… you are not alone. All Australians embrace you in this time of trauma.

We cannot lighten the weight that is upon you, but we hold you in our hearts. We grieve with you. We will stand with Israel.

We always will.

I know that message was very warmly received by my community.

One of the things that has been thrown into absolute focus as a result of these horrific terrorist attacks is the fact that there are, sadly, here in the best country in the world, people who fear for or need to think more than I believe should be necessary about their safety when going about ordinary things, be it praying, attending educational institutions or attending community institutions. That's why I know there are a number of organisations across Australia and, indeed, in my electorate who will be very pleased to see the investments that are being announced today, through the Securing Faith-Based Places program, in more security and related infrastructure to support community groups. I note that that will be welcomed very much by Maurice Zeffert Home in Yokine in my electorate. It will be welcomed by the Australian Islamic College Dianella. It will be welcomed by Buddha's Light International Association in Maylands. This new funding will be welcomed by Temple David Congregation in Mount Lawley, Perth Hebrew Congregation in Menora, Perth Mosque in Northbridge and Western Australian Maccabi Inc.

I want to thank all of those community organisations that applied for that funding. I will do everything as their local member to ensure that they are able to access it as soon as possible, because I know how much people are concerned about the security situation here in Australia.

With that, I want to thank not just the Prime Minister, the Attorney-General, the foreign minister and the home affairs minister, amongst many others, for their work; I also want to thank Premier Cook and the Western Australian government for the work they've been doing with WA police in particular in giving assurance on a range of safety matters to support communities who are rightly but sadly concerned about the security situation they find themselves in. I thank a number of my colleagues from all sides who I know also have been reaching out to both Jewish and Muslim communities in Western Australia to ensure that they have what we in this place all want, which is to have the benefits of the society in which we want to walk and live, which is one where we have great social cohesion. It's important that we all take responsibility to ensure that ongoing social cohesion at a time where terrorists are broadcasting things not just through the media but through social media—TikTok and the rest—trying to make people fearful simply for being who they are. I don't want anyone in this country to feel that fear purely because of their faith or where they're from.

I conclude by commending the work that has been done by the Department of Foreign Affairs, its minister and the Minister for International Development in working towards further humanitarian assistance. I welcome the $10 million initial humanitarian assistance package for civilians affected by the conflict in Gaza, and I particularly note the strong partnership that Australia has had for many years with the International Committee of the Red Cross to provide urgent funds where they can. Of course the government will continue to monitor the humanitarian situation and stands ready to provide further support if it is required.

I want to thank all members who have participated in this debate for the wave that they've gone about showing strong support for communities here in Australia and, indeed, for communities who are hurting across the globe. Thank you.


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