House debates

Wednesday, 18 October 2023



5:07 pm

Photo of Rick WilsonRick Wilson (O'Connor, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Trade) Share this | Hansard source

I rise today to associate myself with this motion of the parliament to condemn the barbaric attacks by Hamas on the state of Israel on 7 October and also to pass on the parliament's condolences to the people of Israel and Jewish people around the world, particularly here in Australia, all of whom would have loved ones, friends and family who will be affected or have been affected by the events that are currently unfolding.

It was right and proper that Ambassador Amir Maimon addressed the coalition party room on Tuesday morning and received the condolences of our side of politics and, I'm sure, the entire parliament, as this motion suggests. He also reiterated to our party room that Israel didn't start this war and didn't choose this war but will win this war. I absolutely stand with the ambassador, the Israeli people, the Israeli government and the IDF on that notion. A government's first responsibility to its people is to keep them safe and protect them.

I have had the pleasure and privilege of visiting the village of Sderot in southern Israel. It is five kilometres from the border with Gaza and about a half-hour drive from Be'er Sheva, which is a sacred place for many Australians because of the legendary charge of the light horse. It's a very special part of the world. Sadly, on Saturday 7 October the defences were not sufficient to keep the terrorists out of Sderot and the surrounding communities. Many people of that city were killed and some taken hostage. There is one image which is probably the most disturbing for many Australians. Last Saturday night I was waiting outside the Grapevine Gathering, a music festival in the Swan Valley at the Sandalford winery. I was waiting for my 18- and 20-year-old daughters to come out, watching these beautiful young people, full of enthusiasm and expectation of the life ahead. Sadly, on that day, on 7 October, 247 people attending a similar festival in Israel were cut down.

We must condemn these actions and we must support the state of Israel in the actions that it needs to take to defend its people and to destroy Hamas and other terrorist organisations that threaten the state of Israel and its people. I want to congratulate the United States on its response. President Biden and his Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, have indicated through the positioning of a two-carrier task force in the vicinity that the United States will stand with Israel, and that there will be consequences for surrounding countries if they decide to get involved in the conflict. It is very disturbing as well to see Hezbollah seeming to mobilise on the northern borders of Israel. Of course, we know the mullahs in Tehran are coordinating a lot of this activity, so it's very, very important that the United States is there, showing its strength and support for the state of Israel.

I want to close my brief remarks by reiterating how proud I am to have stood in this parliament with the vast majority of the 151 members demonstrating their support by supporting this motion. I know that the vast majority of the Australian people stand with Israel at this time of their desperate need.


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