House debates

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Statements on Indulgence

Natural Disasters

3:06 pm

Photo of Peter DuttonPeter Dutton (Dickson, Liberal Party, Leader of the Opposition) Share this | Hansard source

I join with the Prime Minister and thank him for his words. I, too, would encourage all of those in the affected regions to please make sure that they are up-to-date with the latest advice from the authorities to evacuate if necessary, to take care of each other and their neighbours, especially if they have elderly neighbours or people who aren't as mobile, perhaps, as they could be.

I want to thank the member for Gippsland for our discussion yesterday in relation to this matter as well. The Rural Fire Brigade members are true heroes. They're unpaid. In between fires they're attending motor vehicle accidents, farm accidents and drownings in pools or dams. Their work is phenomenal. They are really, again, under the pump. We do hope conditions continue to improve but, as we know, they can deteriorate very quickly. No doubt the authorities are doing all they can to keep people safe. I want to, along with the Prime Minister, acknowledge the work of the member for Hawke and wish him and his community and all Victorians all the very best at what is a very difficult time.


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