House debates

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Statements on Indulgence

Natural Disasters

3:03 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | | Hansard source

Just briefly—because we won't be here for a couple of weeks, and I had a discussion with the Leader of the Opposition about this earlier today—with the fires continuing to burn in Victoria's Western District, our thoughts are with the communities who are going through stress and anxiety. We hope that things continue to improve, but it's a very volatile situation that they are facing there. At this time, we're thinking of all the firefighters and other emergency services personnel for all they are doing. They are Australian heroes. They put themselves on the line for their communities. They put themselves at risk for the sake of friend, neighbour and stranger alike. They know what they're up against, yet they keep going. Sadly, people in Victoria are all too familiar with bushfires, but, as we know, every fire is different, and every fire is unpredictable in its own way. What doesn't change is the advice to everyone in the area to do everything you can to stay up to date with warnings and forecasts. Do not take risks. Please follow the advice of all the local authorities and, above all, stay safe.

I know I speak for every member in this place when I say that the Commonwealth is ready to work with the Victorian government to do whatever we can. I'll be meeting with the Victorian Premier tomorrow, in fact. I acknowledge the member for Hawke, who I don't think is back here, who left parliament to assist hands-on with the fires—in the tradition, to give absolute credit where credits due, of the former prime minister, Tony Abbott, who always pitched in at difficult times as well. I acknowledge the contribution of the member for Hawke in defending not just his local community but people in that region as well. Our thoughts are with all the people there.

Tragically, some of the same regions have had bushfires and floods. At times in Victoria there were bushfires in one area and floods in another, which makes it extremely difficult for the professionals who are looking after them. Our thoughts will continue to be with them, and, on behalf of the Commonwealth, we'll continue to provide any support that is required. I know that there'll be bipartisan support for that.

3:06 pm

Photo of Peter DuttonPeter Dutton (Dickson, Liberal Party, Leader of the Opposition) Share this | | Hansard source

I join with the Prime Minister and thank him for his words. I, too, would encourage all of those in the affected regions to please make sure that they are up-to-date with the latest advice from the authorities to evacuate if necessary, to take care of each other and their neighbours, especially if they have elderly neighbours or people who aren't as mobile, perhaps, as they could be.

I want to thank the member for Gippsland for our discussion yesterday in relation to this matter as well. The Rural Fire Brigade members are true heroes. They're unpaid. In between fires they're attending motor vehicle accidents, farm accidents and drownings in pools or dams. Their work is phenomenal. They are really, again, under the pump. We do hope conditions continue to improve but, as we know, they can deteriorate very quickly. No doubt the authorities are doing all they can to keep people safe. I want to, along with the Prime Minister, acknowledge the work of the member for Hawke and wish him and his community and all Victorians all the very best at what is a very difficult time.