House debates

Wednesday, 11 September 2024


Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety Bill 2023, Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2023; Second Reading

4:34 pm

Photo of Richard MarlesRichard Marles (Corio, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Defence) Share this | Hansard source

Firstly, I thank all members who have contributed to the debate on these amendments, particularly having heard the last speech. I thank the member for making that speech; clearly, I chose the wrong tie today! I'd also like to thank the opposition for its bipartisanship and support in progressing these bills through the parliament. These bills are the critical next legislative step in establishing the highest standards of nuclear safety and stewardship of Australia's future conventionally armed nuclear powered submarine enterprise under the banner of AUKUS.

The government has listened closely to the contributions of those who have engaged in the consultation processes around these bills, including through the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee. That committee considered the bills and made seven recommendations to improve the Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety Bill 2023, ultimately recommending that the bill be passed. The government has accepted, either in full or in principle, all of those recommendations, and I can foreshadow that I will shortly move amendments to address these. The government thanks the committee for its work in thoroughly considering the bills and acknowledges all those that supported the inquiry process.

The Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety Bill 2023 will establish a new fit-for-purpose regulatory framework—including an independent regulator, the Australian Naval and Nuclear Power Safety Regulator—for nuclear safety within Australia's conventionally armed nuclear powered submarine enterprise and capability life cycle. This new framework will be harmonised with other schemes, including those relating to work health and safety, nuclear nonproliferation and civilian nuclear safety. This new regulator will have a range of functions and comprehensive powers and will work with existing regulators to promote the safety of our submariners, the Australian and international communities and the environment.

The Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2023 supports the transition between the existing regulatory regime and the new regulatory framework that will be established through the Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety Act 2023 on commencement, designed specifically to regulate nuclear safety aspects of naval nuclear propulsion and the nuclear powered submarine enterprise.

Throughout the development of the legislation, the government has demonstrated a clear commitment to consultation, engaging with targeted stakeholders across state government, local councils, unions, industry, First Nations representative bodies, relevant Commonwealth and state agencies, academia and training providers. We welcome all these contributions and encourage engagement as we proceed. This commitment will continue as we progress further on the pathway to acquiring nuclear powered submarine capability for our nation.

These bills are critical to Australia's acquisition of conventionally armed nuclear powered submarines. I commend these bills to the House.


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