House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Statements by Members

New Vehicle Efficiency Standard

1:54 pm

Photo of Darren ChesterDarren Chester (Gippsland, National Party, Shadow Minister for Regional Education) Share this | | Hansard source

The Albanese government promised openness and transparency. Instead, we have a secret plan to increase the price of Australia's favourite cars by up to $20,000. Those opposite, including the Prime Minister and Treasurer, laughed. But neither the Prime Minister nor the Treasurer have been willing to release the economic modelling around the national vehicle efficiency standards, and that is a flashing red light to all Australian families. The government is hiding the truth about how much prices will increase for their favourite cars. There is a lot at stake here for regional and suburban Australians, with the minister for climate change is set to impose this massive new tax on our favourite vehicles. The member for McMahon is famous for one particular quote. In the lead-up to the 2019 election he was bold, and he was upfront. This is what he said to Australians: 'If you don't like our policies, don't vote for us.'

Let me assure those opposite who are new to this place: you have every chance of being a one-term member of parliament if you back this minister's plan to increase the cost of SUVs, people movers and other vehicles. Families that are struggling with the cost of living don't like this policy because it's going to hit them with a tax on their favourite vehicles, and they simply won't vote for it. The minister is refusing to release the economic modelling, and denying there will be price increases in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis. I urge those opposite: if you don't like his policies, don't vote for them.