House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Statements by Members

Grocery Prices

1:56 pm

Photo of Sam RaeSam Rae (Hawke, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

We know that families are facing higher prices at the supermarket checkout with nothing more to show for it in their trollies. It's hurting household budgets, and more people are going without. After the supermarket expose on Four Corners last week, and the recently released Fels inquiry, it is clear that supermarket practices are only exacerbating this pain for Australian consumers. Misleading pricing practices and a lack of competition are hurting the people in my community who are already struggling with the cost of living. That's why the Albanese Labor government is launching an ACCC review of the big supermarkets—including Coles and Woolworths—as well as an independent review of the food and grocery code, led by Dr Craig Emerson.

After a decade of inaction and neglect of competition policy and regulation under the Liberals, the Albanese Labor government is committed to ensuring that Australian consumers and suppliers can benefit from a more competitive and robust marketplace. While our big supermarkets are posting record profits, consumers and suppliers alike are battling with rising costs. These reviews are essential to ensure that our supermarkets give Australians a fair deal at the checkout. Whether it's prices at the supermarket, child care, the doctor and pharmacy, or, indeed, paying the taxman, the Albanese Labor government has a plan to ease costs and put more money back into household budgets and workers' pockets.