House debates

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

  • Veterans (1 speech)
    I regularly hear stories from veterans, their families and their loved ones, and, regrettably, all too often these stories detail problems veterans face when accessing the health and mental...
  • Tyler, Ms Lorraine (1 speech)
    Today I want to take a few moments to remember a passionate advocate within my electorate of Adelaide, within South Australia and, in fact, nationally. She was a cancer advocate and a local in my...
  • New England Electorate: Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (1 speech)
    It is a cult. It is a mad, mad cult that we have become a part of that says, in its peculiar form of devotion, a sort of pious devotion, that we can somehow, by regulations and legislations, go...
  • Greenway Electorate: Telecommunications (1 speech)
    Reliable mobile coverage is an essential service for every Australian, regardless of where they live, from the regions to the suburbs. When you move into a newly built suburb, you expect to have...
  • Western Sydney Airport (1 speech)
    Just last week I attended the Forum on Western Sydney Airport meeting and received an update regarding submissions into the draft EIS—the impact statement for flight path design. There have...
  • Macarthur Electorate: Camden Show, Ingleburn Alive (1 speech)
    I had the great pleasure, on the weekend, of attending two great local events in my electorate of Macarthur, with the Camden Show and the Ingleburn Alive festival providing family-friendly...
  • Berowra Electorate: Housing (1 speech)
    Housing affordability is marked by three measures: rents, the ability to save for a deposit, and the ability to service a mortgage and ultimately pay it off. On all three measures, Australians...
  • Schools, Perth Bala Murugan Temple (1 speech)
    The Albanese Labor government is making significant investments in local schools and in the future of our children. I am especially proud that the Albanese government's Schools Upgrade Fund is...
  • Firearms Industry (1 speech)
    I rise to speak on behalf of approximately 400 small businesses across Australia who support well over 19,000 Australians with employment and contribute a whopping $2.4 billion to our national...
  • Makin Electorate: Community Services (2 speeches)
    With the cost of living dominating the current political discourse, it is not surprising that so many charity organisations are seeing a spike in the number of people who each day turn to them...