House debates

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Public Works Joint Committee; Report (1 speech)
      Some of the Leader of the House's best work there! On behalf of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works, I present the committee's report No. 1 of 2024 entitled Airservices...
    • Parliamentary Library Joint Committee; Membership (1 speech)
      I have received a message from the Senate informing the House that Senator Payman has been appointed a member of the Joint Standing Committee on the Parliamentary Library.
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Statements by Members (0 speeches)
    • Cost of Living (1 speech)
      The cost of everyday essentials is through the roof. Last year, we saw the price of milk increase by 19.4 per cent. While a couple of cents on the household essentials may not seem so severe, how...
    • Stevens, Ms Glenda (1 speech)
      I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the ACT Senior Woman of the Year, and Bean local, Glenda Stevens. Glenda is a highly experienced community leader who has an in-depth...
    • Apprenticeships (1 speech)
      Last Friday, it was wonderful to welcome the shadow minister for small business, industry skills and training, Sussan Ley, to my electorate of Casey. We had a politics in the pub at the Chirnside...
    • Holt Electorate: Find a Penny Foundation (1 speech)
      I rise today to highlight the invaluable work of the Find a Penny Foundation, located in the suburb of Hampton Park in my electorate. For over 16 years, this organisation has been a steadfast...
    • Domestic and Family Violence (1 speech)
      The national statistics are shocking: one woman is killed every week by a current or former partner, and one in four women experience sexual or intimate partner violence in their lifetimes. The...
    • Oil and Gas Exploration (1 speech)
      Last week I wrote to the independent offshore gas regulator, NOPSEMA, to voice my concerns and the concerns of my community regarding a seismic exploration proposal by TGS-SLB in Victoria's Otway...
    • Domestic and Family Violence (1 speech)
      Men need to hear this. For way too long, women have shouldered the load of driving the conversation about violence prevention, basic decency and respect. Violence against women is a men's...
    • Tangney Electorate: Energy Efficiency Grants (1 speech)
      The Energy Efficiency Grants are supporting small- and medium-sized businesses within our local communities to upgrade or replace inefficient equipment and implement other energy efficiency...
    • Fisher Electorate: Business Awards (1 speech)
      The Sunshine Coast is known as the small business capital of Australia. I want to take a moment to celebrate and congratulate some Fisher businesses for achieving incredible things. Mooloolaba...
    • Hunter Electorate: Banking and Financial Services (1 speech)
      There is a huge poster at the front of the National Australia Bank branch in Cessnock and it says: 'Proudly serving this community'. Well, not for much longer. You see, the poor old NAB must be...
    • Loftus Volunteer Bushfire Brigade: 70th Anniversary (1 speech)
      Last Saturday I attended the 70th anniversary of the Loftus Volunteer Bushfire Brigade, a steadfast pillar of support for our local community. Down in my part of the world we live in the best...
    • New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (1 speech)
      I'm proud to stand here as a member of the governing party that is doing the right thing again, in this case bringing forward the modern emission standards for vehicles. The government's...
    • Mallee Electorate: Energy (1 speech)
      The Albanese Labor government is gaslighting Australians on energy policy. The Prime Minister claims coal is no longer viable, but if you're the barman and tell someone, 'No more drinks for you,...
    • Health Care (1 speech)
      At least once a month, millions of Australians fill prescriptions at their local pharmacy. It's a constant in the lives of millions of Australians with chronic conditions, and all too familiar...
    • Gilmore, Mr Thomas John George, OAM (1 speech)
      I rise with great sadness to speak on the passing of one of Far North Queensland's finest. We lost a stalwart of public service and a true son of Mareeba, Mr Tom Gilmore OAM. His passing not only...
    • Nuclear Energy (1 speech)
      Make no mistake, climate denialism is alive and well in the Liberal Party room. Of course, the latest form of denialism is not to outright deny but to put up smokescreens for denial, specifically...
    • Fitzgibbon, Lance Corporal Jack Patrick (1 speech)
      Many people join our Defence Force by calling a number—it's 131901—but, for most, that seed and that desire is planted earlier. We heard that for Jack Fitzgibbon that was decided next...
    • Energy (1 speech)
      Today the Sydney Morning Herald reports that Australians' power bills are set to fall. There's much more work to do but, gee, this was nice news to wake up to! The article reads: Homes and...
    • Western Australia: Agriculture Industry (1 speech)
      I rise today to commend the Prime Minister and Minister Watt for achieving in WA agriculture what no-one else has managed to do—that is, to unite the Western Australian Farmers Federation...
    • Energy (2 speeches)
      I rise to congratulate the Minister for Climate Change and Energy, because this morning we had the very welcome news that the default market offer was trending in the right direction: it was...
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Migration, Housing (12 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. In January of this year, a record 125,410 visa holders arrived in Australia, far outstripping the housing stock available here in our country. Given...
    • Pharmacy (5 speeches)
      My question as to the Minister for Health and Aged Care. What actions has the Albanese Labor government taken to make medicines cheaper for Australians while supporting a strong community...
    • Energy (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy. This government promised Australians a $275 cut to their electricity bill by 2025, but households in my electorate of Lindsay are...
    • Health Care (3 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. How is the Albanese Labor government delivering on cost-of-living relief and making health care more accessible and affordable after a decade of cuts and neglect?
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Donations to Political Parties (2 speeches)
      This is a question for the Prime Minister. You've said you will make political donations transparent, ban lies in political ads and reduce financial influence in elections. The next election is...
    • Paid Parental Leave Scheme (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Social Services. How is the Albanese Labor government delivering more support for Australian families? What has been the response to Labor Labor's paid parental...
    • Economy (9 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. The latest national accounts confirm that Australia is in an entrenched per capita recession or a family recession. At the same time disposable income per...
    • Schools: Northern Territory (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Education. What is the Albanese Labor government doing to build a better and fairer school education system in the Northern Territory?
    • Nuclear Waste Management (5 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Industry and Science. The minister has previously applauded Lucas Heights as: the home of Australia's nuclear capabilities. … … … In 2023...
    • Interest Rates (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. What does the independent Reserve Bank's decision on interest rates mean for the economy?
    • Nuclear Waste Management: Submarines (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Defence. When will the government announce where the nuclear waste and end-of-life reactors of the nuclear submarines will be stored? Can the minister rule out...
    • Mining Industry (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Resources. How is the Albanese Labor government supporting Australia's critical mineral industry to boost the economy and support more jobs and opportunities...
    • Housing Support Program (2 speeches)
      ():  My question as to the minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government. Last year, I welcomed the government's announcement of the $500 million...
    • Telecommunications: 3G Networks (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Communications. What steps is the Albanese Labor government taking to ensure the switchover of the 3G network is done in a safer away? And how is the government...
    • Defence Procurement: Submarines (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Deputy Prime Minister. Can the Deputy Prime Minister confirm HMAS Stirling, in my home state of Western Australia, will be the home of Australia's future...
    • Gender Equality (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. How is the Albanese Labor government addressing the gender gap in superannuation and helping to boost retirement incomes of Australian women, and why is that...
    • Grocery Prices (9 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Tomorrow the Greens will introduce a bill to create divestiture powers so we can finally break up the Coles and Woolworths duopoly and end the price...
    • Child Care (2 speeches)
      That made my day. My question as to the Minister for Early Childhood. How is the Albanese Labor government providing cost-of-living relief for Australian families accessing early childhood...
    • New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (9 speeches)
      My question as to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy. Three of the top six selling vehicles in regional Australia are made by Toyota and will cost families up to an extra $25,000 to...
    • Renewable Energy (2 speeches)
      My question as to the Prime Minister. Why, Prime Minister, is the government focused on renewables with firming capacity for future energy needs? What alternatives to the government's plans have...
    • Taxation (6 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. In these uncertain economic times, can the Prime Minister guarantee the millions of Australian tradies that there will be no changes to the fringe benefits...
    • Workplace Relations (3 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations. How are the Albanese Labor government's workplace relations reforms helping Australians earn more after a decade of wages...
  • Statements (0 speeches)
  • Documents (0 speeches)
    • Presentation (8 speeches)
      These documents are tabled in accordance with the list circulated to honourable members earlier today. Full details of the documents will be recorded in the Votes and Proceedings.
  • Matters of Public Importance (0 speeches)
    • Economy (14 speeches)
      I've received a letter from the honourable member for Hume proposing that a definite matter of public importance be submitted to the House for discussion, namely: The Government's policies...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Adjournment (0 speeches)
    • Tasmania State Election (1 speech)
      This weekend, Tasmanians will head to the polls to decide the next state parliament, and, as is the case with all election, the community is being bombarded with promises from the parties about...
    • Hawke Electorate: Community Events (1 speech)
      I was absolutely delighted to host hundreds of local residents on Saturday morning at the Hawke government services hub. The event brought together federal government agencies such as Services...
    • Hume Electorate: Community Events (1 speech)
      One of the things that I learned reasonably quickly in representing a regional area, an outer suburban area, in this place was just the degree to which community organisations are run by,...
    • Cost of Living (1 speech)
      The cost of living is dominating political discourse, and while cost-of-living increases can in part be attributed to inflation and global instability, the more likely cause has been...
    • Menzies Electorate: Community Events (1 speech)
      On many occasions, I, and many others, often say, 'What would Christopher Hitchens say about the particular debate that's before us?' I was thinking of Christopher Hitchens recently, on, of all...
    • Middle East (1 speech)
      The term 'war crime' is one we hear often, but I want to explain what it actually means. This is important in light of the escalation of civilian deaths in Gaza, despite efforts to negotiate a...
  • Constituency Statements (0 speeches)
    • Veterans (1 speech)
      I regularly hear stories from veterans, their families and their loved ones, and, regrettably, all too often these stories detail problems veterans face when accessing the health and mental...
    • Tyler, Ms Lorraine (1 speech)
      Today I want to take a few moments to remember a passionate advocate within my electorate of Adelaide, within South Australia and, in fact, nationally. She was a cancer advocate and a local in my...
    • New England Electorate: Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (1 speech)
      It is a cult. It is a mad, mad cult that we have become a part of that says, in its peculiar form of devotion, a sort of pious devotion, that we can somehow, by regulations and legislations, go...
    • Greenway Electorate: Telecommunications (1 speech)
      Reliable mobile coverage is an essential service for every Australian, regardless of where they live, from the regions to the suburbs. When you move into a newly built suburb, you expect to have...
    • Western Sydney Airport (1 speech)
      Just last week I attended the Forum on Western Sydney Airport meeting and received an update regarding submissions into the draft EIS—the impact statement for flight path design. There have...
    • Macarthur Electorate: Camden Show, Ingleburn Alive (1 speech)
      I had the great pleasure, on the weekend, of attending two great local events in my electorate of Macarthur, with the Camden Show and the Ingleburn Alive festival providing family-friendly...
    • Berowra Electorate: Housing (1 speech)
      Housing affordability is marked by three measures: rents, the ability to save for a deposit, and the ability to service a mortgage and ultimately pay it off. On all three measures, Australians...
    • Schools, Perth Bala Murugan Temple (1 speech)
      The Albanese Labor government is making significant investments in local schools and in the future of our children. I am especially proud that the Albanese government's Schools Upgrade Fund is...
    • Firearms Industry (1 speech)
      I rise to speak on behalf of approximately 400 small businesses across Australia who support well over 19,000 Australians with employment and contribute a whopping $2.4 billion to our national...
    • Makin Electorate: Community Services (2 speeches)
      With the cost of living dominating the current political discourse, it is not surprising that so many charity organisations are seeing a spike in the number of people who each day turn to them...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Grievance Debate (0 speeches)
    • Donations to Political Parties (1 speech)
      If you're feeling like Labor and the Liberal and National parties aren't listening to you and your needs, you'd be right. Recent data on the amount of corporate money that Labor and the Liberal...
    • Macarthur Electorate: Health Care (1 speech)
      I've been involved with Campbelltown Hospital for over four decades, and I've seen the hospital develop into a major teaching hospital. In fact, for a few days the week before last we were the...
    • New Vehicle Efficiency Standard, Thalidomide Survivors (1 speech)
      I rise to raise grievances on behalf of the Longman community this evening. There is much to be aggrieved about. The first issue I'd like to speak on tonight is the proposed unfair ute tax. The...
    • Chisholm Electorate: Education (1 speech)
      My electorate of Chisholm really values education and lifelong learning. We're home to world-class universities—Monash University and Deakin University—fantastic TAFE and vocational...
    • Flynn Electorate: Child Care, Labor Government (1 speech)
      It was an incredible privilege to be elected as the federal member for Flynn at the 2022 federal election. I've worked hard to get around to as many local communities as possible, and this has...
    • Adelaide Electorate: Banking and Financial Services (1 speech)
      Tonight I rise in this grievance debate to raise an issue on behalf of one of my constituents and to also highlight the extent to which our banks are going to reduce cash in our society. In...