House debates

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Statements by Members

Tangney Electorate: Energy Efficiency Grants

1:40 pm

Photo of Sam LimSam Lim (Tangney, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

The Energy Efficiency Grants are supporting small- and medium-sized businesses within our local communities to upgrade or replace inefficient equipment and implement other energy efficiency activities.

Five local businesses in my electorate of Tangney were awarded in the first round of the Energy Efficiency Grants. Jaylea's Patisserie and lunch bar received funds to upgrade their refrigeration. The Rhein-Donau Club inMyaree received funds to upgrade the coolroom in their community hall. Wizard Pharmacy in Shelley received funds for a new aircon system. Willagee Park Newsagency received funds for more energy efficient options for their business. The Bicton Veterinary Clinic received a new energy efficient X-ray machine, an air conditioner replacement and new efficient lighting.

I would like to extend my congratulations to these wonderful businesses, who secured a first round of funding and have since installed and completed these upgrades. I want to thank the Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy for her hard work on this program. I'm proud of the Albanese Labor government's commitment to energy efficiency and supporting local businesses to earn more and keep more of their earnings.