House debates

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Statements by Members

New Vehicle Efficiency Standard

1:46 pm

Photo of Tania LawrenceTania Lawrence (Hasluck, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I'm proud to stand here as a member of the governing party that is doing the right thing again, in this case bringing forward the modern emission standards for vehicles. The government's proposals bring us in line with the rest of the world bar Russia and North Korea. The US has had these standards for 50 years. They've had them because they're better for the environment, better for health and better for the hip pocket.

We want to make this change a positive for all, so we've been engaging with manufacturers, peak bodies and dealers to ensure this happens. In Hasluck, I've met with a number of dealerships from the Midland car area to better feed their valuable insights into this process. I've also met with people across the community like Dr Colin Hughes, who knows that this plan is good for the health of every one of us and the health of our children.

Better emissions standards will save lives and improve outcomes for people who suffer from respiratory illnesses. And these new standards will make it cheaper for Australians at the bowser. Now everyone who buys a new car, not just people buying electric vehicles, will save money at the pump. People buying petrol or diesel vehicles will now save, too, because they're buying a more efficient vehicle.

The fuel emissions standards are another example of how this government is finding innovative ways to address cost-of-living challenges. The opposition could have done this years ago but they squibbed it. They have cost Australians over $4 billion because they squibbed and delayed introducing what this government, as a responsible government, is doing today.