House debates

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Statements by Members


1:54 pm

Photo of Jerome LaxaleJerome Laxale (Bennelong, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Today the Sydney Morning Herald reports that Australians' power bills are set to fall. There's much more work to do but, gee, this was nice news to wake up to! The article reads:

Homes and businesses will start to feel some relief from soaring electricity bills within months, as authorities move to cut prices for hundreds of thousands of customers on the eastern seaboard by as much as 10 per cent …

Not surprisingly, the article goes on to point out that 'the continuing influx of cheaper renewable energy' has contributed to this draft default market offer. Newsflash to the Liberals: actually having an energy policy works! Our coal and gas price caps, opposed by the Liberals, have helped, and our investments in renewables and batteries have helped.

People know that solar panels and batteries on their homes help with power prices. Experts know that large-scale renewables lead to cheaper wholesale power prices. But, inexplicably, the Liberals and Nationals continue their ideological opposition to our national energy transition. Instead of the cheapest form of new energy, they want to invest in the most expensive form of new energy: nuclear. Australians elected us to take action on the cost of living, and we are—by giving every Australian tax cut. And by having an energy policy anchored in renewable energy, we want Australians to earn more and keep more of what they earn.