House debates

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Statements by Members

Regional Telecommunications

1:51 pm

Photo of Colin BoyceColin Boyce (Flynn, Liberal National Party) Share this | | Hansard source

It's time for the big telcos to put people before profit. There is story after story from constituents in the Flynn electorate about communications problems. Residents around Baffle Creek tower went weeks without mobile reception over Christmas. This is an ongoing issue with still no solution in sight. The communities of Alton Downs and Ridgelands have had similar issues, with messages sometimes taking two to three days to come through. Phone calls are dropping out and disconnecting all the time.

Between Mount Perry and Eidsvold, a resident came across an accident—they found a couple on the side of the road. A man was bleeding profusely, and the lady could not get through to emergency services due to this black spot. It took over an hour to get a communication connection to get the ambulance out there to assist these people.

These communications stories are endless, no matter where you live in regional Queensland.

Last month I called for a Senate inquiry into regional telecommunications, and I have formed a petition for residents to sign. In just a few days, we've had almost 700 signatures. You can sign this petition by visiting my Facebook page or visiting one of my offices in Gladstone, Emerald or Gayndah. Sign up now for an inquiry into regional telecommunications.