House debates

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Statements by Members

Cost of Living

1:52 pm

Photo of Michelle Ananda-RajahMichelle Ananda-Rajah (Higgins, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Electricity prices are due to fall midyear following the release of the default market offers. This is welcome news to households and businesses whose budgets have been under pressure and stands in contrast to the Liberals, who concealed from the Australian people rising electricity prices just prior to the May 2022 election.

Our caps on coal and gas energy rebates, both opposed by those opposite, plus a ministerial directive to prioritise consumer rights are finally having an impact. We know that energy bills could be lower still if we get more renewables online. Since we legislated historic climate targets, we have seen renewables surge from 33 per cent when we came to government to nearly 40 per cent now—in less than two years. And, in a $100 million funding partnership with the Victorian government, Higgins apartment dwellers can get rooftop solar and rebates.

Unlike nuclear, which is destined to be the Liberals' 23rd failed energy policy, renewables are ready to go and ready to add value to Aussie homes. It's a win for the hip pocket and for the climate. Cheaper energy bills and our rollout of community batteries, cheaper meds, cheaper child care, the urgent care clinics, free TAFE, tax cuts for EVs, and Labor's tax cuts coming to a bank account near you on 1 July this year: it all adds up to earning more and keeping more of what you earn.