House debates

Monday, 25 March 2024

  • Housing (1 speech)
    With house prices at record highs, young people don't know if they'll ever be able to buy a home. Housing insecurity is a structural problem. It's not a superannuation problem. Accessing...
  • Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (1 speech)
    I recently spoke with a former Australian commando, Paul Scanlan, about a hidden and often devastating plight affecting far too many Australian and Allied veterans. Mild traumatic brain injury,...
  • Young Australians (1 speech)
    There's a podcast called Who Screwed Millennials? I don't like using that sort of language in parliament, but I think the question is the right one. From 2004 to 2016, the wealth of...
  • Werriwa Electorate: Veterans' and Families' Hub (1 speech)
    I had the privilege of welcoming the Minister for Veterans' Affairs, my friend the Hon. Matt Keogh, to south-west Sydney recently to announce the establishment of the Veterans' and Families' Hub...
  • Toondah Harbour (1 speech)
    Toondah Harbour is a beautiful home to one of Australia's most significant wetlands. It's internationally recognised under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands—an agreement to which Australia...
  • Women In Sport (1 speech)
    The Matildas captured the heart of the nation at last year's FIFA Women's World Cup. We were delighted today to have Michelle Heyman and Lydia Williams in the parliament. It didn't matter last...
  • COVID-19: Vaccination (1 speech)
    I read today that finally New South Wales Health looks set to scrap its useless, redundant and discriminatory COVID mandates, but we're still waiting for Victoria to drop its 'three jabs or no...
  • Gilmore Electorate: Infrastructure (1 speech)
    When it comes to local infrastructure I'm proud to be part of the Albanese Labor government that's just getting on with it, whether it is the Jervis Bay flyover that is in major construction...
  • Surfers Paradise Surf Lifesaving Club: Business Meets Sport (1 speech)
    I joined a packed room of dedicated Gold Coasters to raise funds for the iconic Surfers Paradise Surf Lifesaving Club—in its 100th year of saving lives on Surfers Paradise Beach. Hosted by...
  • Bennelong Electorate: World's Greatest Shave (1 speech)
    Deputy Speaker, today I stand before you to highlight the incredible efforts of students at Epping Boys High School and Cheltenham Girls High School in Bennelong for their participation in the...
  • Kadima, Kazadi (1 speech)
    Every chance I get in my electorate on a Saturday morning, I do the five-kay parkrun around the Victoria Park Lake. An interesting thing happens when I'm on about my third kay. I'm not the...
  • Higgins Electorate: Ewing Kindergarten (1 speech)
    Tucked away on a quiet, tree-lined street is a place ringing with the laughter of children that screams joy from the moment you step through the gate. Ewing Kindergarten is a place where children...
  • Universities (1 speech)
    HECS debt is on the minds of many current and former students. That is because on 1 June each year indexation is applied to the accumulated study and training debt. More than three million...
  • Middle East (1 speech)
    Whilst the Hamas leadership and the Israeli Prime Minister fight for military ascendancy and their own political survival, innocent Israeli and Palestinian people are dying. Since 7 October last...
  • Member for Parkes (2 speeches)
    Today I announced to my party room that I would not be contesting the next election. I have been in this place since 2007. I was elected in the Rudd slide of 2007, and by the time the next...
  • World's Greatest Shave (1 speech)
    Every year, thousands of Australians step up to shave, cut or colour their hair for the World's Greatest Shave. It's the ultimate act of support for people facing blood cancer. Blood cancer is...
  • Wright Electorate: Local Government (1 speech)
    Local government elections were held in Queensland recently, and I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate the local mayors who were re-elected or elected in my region. From the Scenic...
  • Fraser Electorate: Holi (1 speech)
    Over the past two weekends, the Fraser community has celebrated Holi, the Hindu festival of colours, which marks the start of spring in India, Nepal and other south Asian countries, and for their...
  • Dawson Electorate: Young Mayors Program (1 speech)
    Our youth are our future and, right now, I'm beaming with pride about five incredible and brilliant young minds from Mackay who I met during their recent trip to Canberra as part of the Young...
  • Sri Lankan New Year (1 speech)
    Sri Lankan new year, also known as Aluth Avurudda in Sinhalese, and Puthandu in Tamil, is one of the most significant cultural festivals celebrated in Sri Lanka and around the world. It is a time...
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme (1 speech)
    Over the past 18 months I've conducted a number of forums in my electorate on aged care, health care, veterans affairs and child care, and, unsurprisingly, there's been a consistent theme from...
  • Endometriosis (1 speech)
    Endometriosis can be a crippling condition that affects over one million Australians at some point their lives. Recent statistics, according to Endometriosis Australia, have found that one in...
  • Local Government (1 speech)
    In my 16 years in parliament I've seen some cynical things, but I think the cynicism reached a new level last week with the announcement by the government that it's launching a parliamentary...
  • Middle East (1 speech)
    It was heartbreaking to hear over the weekend news that international efforts for an immediate and sustained ceasefire in Gaza had failed. This is distressing news for everyone who wants to see...
  • Western Australia: Labor Government (1 speech)
    Regional Western Australia is under attack from state and federal Labor governments. The phase-out of the live sheep trade, the introduction of the biosecurity tax, the rollout of unwanted...
  • Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (2 speeches)
    Recently I met with Adam Costantini, a Hillbank local like myself and a tireless community advocate for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, an organisation many of us know very well. JDRF...