House debates

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

  • Calare Electorate: Agricultural Shows (1 speech)
    You just cannot beat a country show, and that's why tonight I rise to pay tribute to some of the wonderful agricultural show societies in Calare that strive to keep their local show going strong...
  • Cybercrime (1 speech)
    I rise to commend the important work that our National Anti-Scam Centre has been undertaking since its creation by the federal Labor government in 2023. As many of you would know, Australians...
  • Zimmermann, Miss Aria James, Blood and Plasma Donation (2 speeches)
    In the gallery is a 3-year-old boy named Lucas. His head's popping up and down and he's wearing a checked shirt. He is son to dad, Jamie, who sits with him and served with me in Afghanistan. He...
  • Young Labor, Online Safety, Wages (1 speech)
    Young people are apathetic. They don't care about politics and are indifferent to the goings-on in Canberra—or so the narrative goes. Not the young people I've met. The youngsters in Young...
  • Mouse Plague (1 speech)
    It was Yogi Berra, the famous American baseball catcher, who gave us the phrase, 'It's just like deja vu all over again.' It feels like that to me, because in 2011 I gave a number of speeches in...
  • Higher Education Contribution Scheme (1 speech)
    Tonight I want to talk about our universities, and specifically about HECS—or HELP, as it was formerly known. For people who entered university in the nineties—and that includes...