House debates

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

  • Committees (0 speeches)
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Business (0 speeches)
    • Rearrangement (15 speeches)
      I move: That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent: (1) debate on the second reading resuming immediately, with the time limit for the first Opposition...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Questions to the Speaker (0 speeches)
    • Parliamentary Procedure (2 speeches)
      Mr Speaker, I have a question to you further to your earlier ruling and the comments from the Leader of the House. I'm advised that the amendment that was moved by the coalition was moved at...
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Energy (9 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Labor's renewables-only obsession is causing Australians' energy bills to skyrocket, pushing 500 families a week into energy poverty. The national energy...
    • Wages (4 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations. How is the Albanese Labor government supporting low-paid workers to earn more and keep more of what they earn, and what...
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Defence Procurement (6 speeches)
      My question is to the Deputy Prime Minister. Can the Deputy Prime Minister advise the House that, following the government's $5 billion order for nuclear reactors from Rolls-Royce, our...
    • New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (5 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government. How will the Albanese Labor government deliver Australians more choice when it comes to...
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Migration Amendment (Removal and Other Measures) Bill 2024 (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs. The refugee and migration sector holds serious concerns about the impact that the Migration Amendment...
    • New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (10 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy. What will the Albanese Labor government's new vehicle efficiency standard mean for Australian motorists, and what is the significance...
    • Energy (6 speeches)
      My question goes to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy. In the last week alone we learnt that Labor has officially broken its promise of a $275 reduction in household power bills by up to...
    • Economy (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Social Services. How is the Albanese Labor government addressing cost-of-living pressures and helping Australians earn more and keep more of what they earn?
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
    • Bayly, Hon. Andrew (1 speech)
      I'm pleased to welcome the New Zealand minister for commerce, consumer affairs, small business and manufacturing, the Hon. Andrew Bayly.
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Economy (16 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Prime Minister, given Australia is in a GDP per capita recession, can the Prime Minister define what a GDP per capita recession is?
    • Energy (5 speeches)
      My question as to the Prime Minister. If the government's energy policy is working, why are 500 families a week going onto energy hardship arrangements?
    • Early Childhood Education (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Early Childhood Education. How will the Albanese Labor government's tax cuts provide cost-of-living relief and support the aspirations of educators and teachers...
    • Grocery Prices (6 speeches)
      Prime Minister, a farmer ploughs, tills, fights disease, weeds, irrigates, fertilises, harvests, cleans and delivers to stores. Cold and Worthless pay the farmer 49c a potato, put it on a shelf...
    • Vocational Education and Training (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Skills and Training. How is the Albanese Labor government helping people to skill up in areas of demand, like nursing, construction and early childhood...
    • Fuel Efficiency Standards (6 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy. Can the minister confirm that, even after the Prime Minister's personal intervention to fix the mess of Labor's new family car and...
    • Manufacturing Industry (10 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. What are some of the elements of the Albanese Labor government's plan for A Future Made in Australia, and how's is it strengthening our economy and our...
    • Natural Disasters: Response and Recovery Planning (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. A year after the storm and flood disaster hit Eugowra, Molong, Canowindra, Cudal and Manildra in central-western New South Wales, the state and federal...
    • Universities (7 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Education. What is the Albanese Labor government doing to make it easier for people in regional Australia to go to university, to earn more money and to keep...
    • Energy (10 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy. The Australian Energy Market Operator has warned Australia faces a gas shortage, which could emerge by next winter, and the east...
    • Local Government (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories. How is the Albanese Labor government responding to the economic times and delivering tax cuts for local...
    • Energy (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy. There are 64,000 households that are on electricity hardship in New South Wales. New South Wales households on hardship have...
    • Medicare (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Health and Aged Care. How are the Medicare urgent care clinics making it easier for Australians to see a doctor, and how is the Albanese Labor government...
    • Housing (9 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Over eight of the last 10 years, the number of homes built in Australia has matched the number of migrants coming in, but in the last two years of your...
    • Defence Personnel (3 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Veterans' Affairs and Minister for Defence Personnel. How is the Albanese Labor government delivering cost-of-living relief, services and support for defence...
  • Documents (0 speeches)
    • Presentation (1 speech)
      Documents are tabled in accordance with the list circulated to honourable members earlier today. Full details of the documents will be recorded in the Votes and Proceedings.
    • Tuvalu; Presentation (1 speech)
      I present National interest analysis,2024 ATNIA 5; and Australia-Tuvalu Falepili Union,2024 ATNIF 8. I seek leave to make a statement in connection with the documents. Leave granted. It gives me...
  • Business (0 speeches)
    • Rearrangement (10 speeches)
      I move: That: (1) The House notes: (a) the House agreed to a resolution requiring all questions necessary to complete consideration of the Migration Amendment (Removal and Other Measures) Bill...
  • Matters of Public Importance (0 speeches)
    • Housing (19 speeches)
      I have received a letter from the honourable member for Deakin proposing that a definite matter of public importance be submitted to the House for discussion, namely: This Government's failed...
  • Statement by the Speaker (0 speeches)
  • Business (0 speeches)
    • Rearrangement (1 speech)
      I move: That business intervening before order of the day No. 6, government business, be postponed until a later hour this day. Question agreed to.
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Public Works Joint Committee; Report (1 speech)
      On behalf of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works, I present the following reports: Department of Defence—RAAF Base Darwin—mid-term refresh and other works: report...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Economics Committee; Report (5 speeches)
      On behalf of the Standing Committee on Economics, I present the committee's report, incorporating dissenting reports, entitled Better competition, better prices: report on the inquiry into...
    • Economics Committee; Reference to Federation Chamber (1 speech)
      I move: That the order of the day be referred to the Federation Chamber for debate. Question agreed to.
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Adjournment (0 speeches)
    • Calare Electorate: Agricultural Shows (1 speech)
      You just cannot beat a country show, and that's why tonight I rise to pay tribute to some of the wonderful agricultural show societies in Calare that strive to keep their local show going strong...
    • Cybercrime (1 speech)
      I rise to commend the important work that our National Anti-Scam Centre has been undertaking since its creation by the federal Labor government in 2023. As many of you would know, Australians...
    • Zimmermann, Miss Aria James, Blood and Plasma Donation (2 speeches)
      In the gallery is a 3-year-old boy named Lucas. His head's popping up and down and he's wearing a checked shirt. He is son to dad, Jamie, who sits with him and served with me in Afghanistan. He...
    • Young Labor, Online Safety, Wages (1 speech)
      Young people are apathetic. They don't care about politics and are indifferent to the goings-on in Canberra—or so the narrative goes. Not the young people I've met. The youngsters in Young...
    • Mouse Plague (1 speech)
      It was Yogi Berra, the famous American baseball catcher, who gave us the phrase, 'It's just like deja vu all over again.' It feels like that to me, because in 2011 I gave a number of speeches in...
    • Higher Education Contribution Scheme (1 speech)
      Tonight I want to talk about our universities, and specifically about HECS—or HELP, as it was formerly known. For people who entered university in the nineties—and that includes...
  • Constituency Statements (0 speeches)
    • Indi Electorate: Albury-Wodonga Hospital (3 speeches)
      I rise today with a message to the federal government and to the New South Wales and the Victorian state governments. On all available evidence, these three governments are planning on spending...
    • Smiddy, Mr Brian, International Women's Day (1 speech)
      I'm really proud to call Brian Smiddy my friend, and I was so disappointed to miss his book launch the other day. But to hear about it and flick through the book's pages is something I want to...
    • Youth Crime (1 speech)
      Only the state government has the power to change the Queensland youth justice legislation, and the Miles Labor government is refusing to do so. They refuse to enforce an appropriate punishment...
    • JoCare, Disability Services (1 speech)
      Australians want to retain their autonomy as they age. Staying at home for as long as possible came out loud and clear in our consultations around aged-care reform. One group that is ahead of the...
    • Energy (1 speech)
      In recent weeks, many Australian households have been receiving their quarterly electricity bills, and they've been shocked by what they've seen. Of course, they don't need reminding that before...
    • Aston Electorate: Community Organisations (1 speech)
      As many of my constituents know, I'm a strong advocate for community organisations that focus on bringing people together and ensuring the wellbeing of the people of Aston. Social enterprises and...
    • Economy (1 speech)
      As I travel around my electorate, I must say that people don't often want to unload their problems. People want to catch up, and they want to chat about their kids, work, family and life. But,...
    • Richmond Electorate (1 speech)
      A big, big congratulations to Dylan Wright of Bangalow in my electorate, because last night Dylan won Australian Idol. He is absolutely amazing. Particularly, his rendition of 'Tiny Dancer' last...
    • Warrnambool Racing Club, Warrnambool Golf Club (1 speech)
      On Friday night, I had the great honour to go to the Warrnambool Racing Club to launch the May Racing Carnival which will take place this year. That's three fantastic days of flat racing and...
    • Tasmania (2 speeches)
      Two very exciting things happened in Tasmania in the last week or two. One of them was an election and the other was an AFL team. I want to talk about both of them. The Tasmanian election was...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Condolences (0 speeches)
    • White, Senator Linda (4 speeches)
      It's with great sadness that colleagues and I rise to speak on this motion. It is with enormous admiration and appreciation that we reflect on the legendary contribution made by Senator Linda...
    • Fitzgibbon, Lance Corporal Jack Patrick (3 speeches)
      Today, I rise to speak on this condolence motion on the very sad and tragic passing of Lance Corporal Jack Fitzgibbon. I pay my respects to Jack's family and loved ones—to Kass, Joel, Di,...
  • Grievance Debate (0 speeches)
    • Fowler Electorate: Higher Education Loans Program (1 speech)
      I rise today to shine a spotlight once again on the challenges and struggles facing the young people pursuing higher education in my community of Fowler, which is one of the lowest socioeconomic...
    • Northern Territory (1 speech)
      Two weeks ago, the federal cabinet came to Darwin, to my electorate. It was the first time since 2011, when Julia Gillard was the Prime Minister of Australia. A Northern Territorian reflected on...
    • Tertiary Education (1 speech)
      I did enjoy hearing from the previous speaker, the member for Solomon, about Darwin and surrounds and the whole of the Northern Territory. It's greatly loved by all Australians. I want to pass it...
    • Family Businesses, Boothby Electorate: Health Care, Electrify Adelaide (1 speech)
      That was very worthy topic from the member for Monash. Family businesses account for around 70 per cent of Australian businesses. Now, when we think about family businesses, we often think of...
    • Australian Football League (2 speeches)
      I rise to bring the House's attention to deeply troubling allegations of egregious misconduct within the AFL provided by former Melbourne Football Club president Glen Bartlett, former Melbourne...
    • Cost of Living (2 speeches)
      The Albanese Labor government knows that the cost of living is front of mind for Australians. It is the No. 1 issue, and I think, when we talk about the cost of living, this is about the pressure...