House debates

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

  • Discrimination (2 speeches)
    I remind Australians of what is at stake in our democracy when we hear our most respected leaders saying, 'Hitler would be proud.' I say: never again. We must remember that during the Second...
  • Werriwa Electorate: Local Government, Discrimination (1 speech)
    Liverpool City Council is in turmoil yet again. Last month, police were called to the council meeting, and yet again the mayor, along with some councillors, tried to remove the current CEO. It's...
  • Edwards, Mr Dylan (1 speech)
    A bit of positivity for the day: as a proud New South Welshman, there's one sporting event that I especially look forward to, and of course that's the State of Origin. This year, there will be...
  • Moreton Electorate: Moreton Youth Advisory Council (1 speech)
    When our government was elected, we promised to govern for all Australians, including young people. But, while young people may be our nation's future, the issues of today affect them now, too....
  • Middle East (1 speech)
    How many children need to be killed in Gaza before this government withdraws its support for Israel's invasion? What is the number? Over 10,000 children killed is not enough for them to stop...
  • Heard, Mr Colin (1 speech)
    I rise to pay tribute to one of my distinguished constituents, Mr Colin Heard, and congratulate him on his 100th birthday. Originally from the south, Colin was selected by the Air Force to fly...
  • ReLove (1 speech)
    We need to take stronger action to address domestic violence, and that includes more support for frontline services. I want to pay tribute to one such service in Wentworth, called ReLove....
  • Gosford Hospital, Budget (1 speech)
    Recently we had the Prime Minister visit the beautiful Central Coast to meet with staff and students at Gosford Hospital. We had the privilege of meeting nurses, doctors and support staff on J8,...
  • Flynn Electorate: Agricultural Shows (1 speech)
    It is well and truly show season across the Flynn electorate. The tradition of agricultural shows is still going strong, with 128 shows across rural Queensland. The dedication of volunteers every...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    My Friday afternoon doorknocks over the past fortnight have been very positive, with people in my community expressing their appreciation for the government's budget measures to address the...
  • Covid-19 (1 speech)
    A Nobel Prize winning drug was discovered in Japan in the 1970s. The drug has been safely used in over 3.7 billion doses since 1987 and has been added to the World Health Organization's list of...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    Two weeks ago the Treasurer stood in this place to deliver a budget that delivers for every Australian, every part of our economy and every corner of our country, and in Bennelong it was no...
  • Labor Government (1 speech)
    You just can't trust Labor in this country anymore. Most people today are actually worse off as a result of Labor's budget. The low and middle income tax offset is gone, so, if you were relying...
  • Budget, Hasluck Electorate: Volunteering (1 speech)
    The Albanese Labor government understands that it's not just industry, business or major projects that need financial backing to have a sound economic foundation. Volunteers, who are the social...
  • Fadden Electorate: Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show (1 speech)
    Last week, I had the pleasure of opening the 35th Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show. Credit goes to Mulpha Australia, who were supported by the Gold Coast city council and Tourism and Events...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    Our budget has kept the focus on more housing for Australians. We're starting to see the benefits of the Albanese Labor government's $32 billion investment to build new homes, with extra help in...
  • Child Care (1 speech)
    Today the Parenthood released a report titled Choiceless, which focuses on the plight of parents in accessing regional, rural and remote learning and care. I urge all members opposite to find 20...
  • Nuclear Energy (1 speech)
    Is it just me, or is the Leader of the Opposition becoming more and more like Montgomery Burns from The Simpsons every single day? Think about it: they both hate workers, neither of them smiles...
  • Mobile Black Spot Program (1 speech)
    In December 2021, when the now Prime Minister was not the Prime Minister, he said: 'Taxpayers deserve better than to have their funds, their taxpayer funds from their hard work, funnelled into...
  • Australian Greens (2 speeches)
    Today I raise accountability. The Greens aren't a party of government, but they could plausibly hold the balance of power. As a fringe party, the Greens are too often given a free pass, and that...