House debates

Thursday, 30 May 2024

  • Petitions: Motor Neurone Disease (1 speech)
    I rise to present petitions EN5968 and PN0603, online and paper petitions. The petitions have been considered by the Petitions Committee and found to be in order. The petitions read as...
  • Mawson, Ms Kris (1 speech)
    It is my absolute pleasure this afternoon to recognise one of the Illawarra's favourite teachers. Kris Mawson from Fairy Meadow Demonstration School was just in the building today with the...
  • Patch, Mr Luke (1 speech)
    I'd like to acknowledge and thank Luke Patch from my community, who recently cycled across Australia from Fremantle to Sydney, raising money for motor neurone disease research. Taking part in the...
  • Wood, Mr Bill, AM (1 speech)
    I rise today to speak about Bill Wood AM, who sadly passed away on 19 May, and was laid to rest with a state funeral on Monday at St Paul's in Manuka. Whether as a teacher or a politician, Bill...
  • Housing (1 speech)
    I'd like to take the opportunity to thank organisations in my Brisbane community offering urgent housing assistance and homelessness support services. Wesley Mission, 3rd Space and Valley Hearts...
  • Davis Rafferty, Ms Felicity (1 speech)
    To know Felicity Davis Rafferty was to know her fierce strength and compassion for others. Felicity passed away in April and she leaves a huge hole in the hearts of all those who knew her. I saw...
  • Indi Electorate: Yarku Marnu (1 speech)
    In Reconciliation Week, I wish to share with the chamber a new initiative that took place over the March long weekend in Greta South in my electorate of Indi. Yarku Marnu, which translates to...
  • Stokes, Ms Maree (1 speech)
    Today I rise to acknowledge a phenomenal community champion in my electorate of Robertson: Maree Stokes, who has been involved with the Asbestos Diseases Foundation of Australia, the ADFA, since...
  • Animal Welfare (1 speech)
    I rise today to speak on animal welfare. Two constituents of mine, Annie Bourke and Jodie Chynoweth, recently contacted me regarding animal welfare and protection. I'm sure many parliamentarians...
  • Housing (1 speech)
    'You get a house, and you get a house, and you get a house!' This is Labor's proposal under the National Housing Accord to build 1.2 million houses by 2029. We know the cost of housing is being...
  • Live Animal Exports (1 speech)
    What has the coalition and Australia done to the Australian Labor Party? They just dislike us so much. If having to put up with swindle factories being cast over our land and solar factories and...
  • Veterans (1 speech)
    On many an occasion I have taken the opportunity to stand up in this place in support of our veteran community, not only the 6,000-strong community in my electorate of Spence but the...
  • Labor Government (6 speeches)
    Middle Australia is being let down by this government. This government is out of control and has lost the plot. They've lost the plot on the economy, they've lost the plot on housing and they've...
  • Veterans (1 speech)
    Our budget puts people first—people like our veterans, people who were treated as a line item on a spreadsheet by the Liberals. I didn't think it was possible, but the party of robodebt...
  • Beef Industry (1 speech)
    The beef industry was elevated to the global stage earlier this month. Rockhampton's premier event, Beef2024, showcased its world-class status, with nearly 120,000 attendees, boosting the...
  • Nuclear Energy (1 speech)
    In exciting news, I can inform the House that future sites for nuclear reactors could possibly include any Australian town or suburb called Springfield. That includes Springfield,...
  • Berowra Electorate: Local Sporting Champions (1 speech)
    I'd like to acknowledge the sporting accomplishments of young people in my electorate, particularly recent recipients of Local Sporting Champions grants. It's even more special to recognise their...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    Labor is the party of progressive and practical policies that deliver for all Australians. Our recent Labor budget has been welcomed in my electorate, bringing much-needed cost-of-living relief,...
  • Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs (1 speech)
    This Albanese Labor government has lost complete control of Australia's national security, and that sits squarely at the hands of the hapless, incompetent Minister for Immigration, Citizenship...
  • Budget (2 speeches)
    It has been 16 days since the Treasurer delivered the Albanese government's third budget. It was a budget that provided universal cost-of-living support through tax cuts and energy rebates to...