House debates

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

  • Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs (1 speech)
    Tonight I want to highlight the incompetent performance of the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, well supported in his incompetence by the Minister for Home Affairs...
  • India (1 speech)
    As the chair of the Parliamentary Friends of India, I want to acknowledge the election today in India, where votes are still being counted. With 969 million registered voters, India has the...
  • Manufacturing Industry (1 speech)
    I rise to express my disappointment in the federal budget: specifically, the lack of focus on developing small manufacturing businesses in Australia. When many of us think about manufacturing, we...
  • Middle East (1 speech)
    The situation in Gaza is catastrophic. It is horrific to see innocent children and people being killed when they should be protected. I once again reiterate the concerns and despair of so many...
  • Mobile Black Spot Program (3 speeches)
    The Mobile Black Spot Program is incredibly important. It was created by the coalition government back in 2014. The guidelines were put out in 2013, and the program itself began in 2014. It's...
  • Hosking, Mr Bill, Carter, Aunty Fay (1 speech)
    I rise to acknowledge a very special veteran in my electorate, Bill Hosking. Bill is a Darwin Defender and a World War II veteran, and he turned 100 this year on 26 April. Bill's birthday is a...