House debates

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Business (0 speeches)
    • Rearrangement (1 speech)
      I move: That business intervening before order of the day No. 11, Government business, be postponed until a later hour this day. Question agreed to.
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Statements by Members (0 speeches)
    • Tasmania: Roads (1 speech)
      Light-fingered Labor has been caught out again. Last month's federal budget left Tasmania off the map. Whilst Tassie was thrown a few crumbs, they were nowhere near enough to compensate locals...
    • National Disability Insurance Scheme (1 speech)
      At the Dunkley office, one of the issues we receive a lot of questions about is the National Disability Insurance Scheme, the NDIS. People are keen to understand the pending changes because, when...
    • Southern Moreton Bay Islands (1 speech)
      The islands of Moreton Bay are one of Australia's hidden gems, but for far too long they've been so well hidden that they have missed out on funding from all levels of government. When the Labor...
    • Surf Life Saving WA Nipper and Youth Awards (1 speech)
      The annual Surf Life Saving WA Nipper and Youth Awards are a way to recognise and celebrate the outstanding achievements of our nippers and youth members across Western Australia. We have three...
    • Television Sports Broadcasts (1 speech)
      Imagine if you had needed a paid subscription to watch Matilda's history-making penalty shootout last year. It's unthinkable, right? It's the 'brick wall' behind a paywall. But under Labor's new...
    • Corangamite Electorate: Country Women's Association (1 speech)
      Barwon Heads is so well represented by the local women of the Country Women's Association. These inspirational women are such a breath of fresh air—full of enthusiasm and innovative ideas...
    • National Legal Assistance Partnership (1 speech)
      Last week the government finally released the Independent review of the National Legal Assistance Partnership report. It included 39 welcome recommendations—most notably for an urgent...
    • Boothby Electorate: Volunteers (1 speech)
      I'd like to congratulate 19 fantastic volunteer-based organisations that have recently been awarded volunteer grants in my electorate of Boothby. Congratulations to: Blackwood Reconciliation...
    • Energy Prices (1 speech)
      Give me a two, give me a seven, give me a five—put them all together and what have you got? You've got another broken promise from the Albanese government. There's no $275 reduction coming...
    • Wages (1 speech)
      Yesterday we saw some great news out of the Fair Work Commission. The commission backed the government's call for a pay rise for Australian workers—2.6 million workers on the minimum wage...
    • Durack Electorate: Volunteer Grants (1 speech)
      It gives me great pleasure to talk about some of the wonderful volunteer organisations in the seat of Durack. I recently announced the very worthy Durack recipients of the 2023-24 volunteer...
    • Wages, Taxation (1 speech)
      Now that we are more than a full 24 hours after the Fair Work Commission handed down its annual wage review, like each successive annual wage review under the Albanese Labor government, it saw...
    • South Australia: Black Summer Bushfires, Edithburgh Sports and Community Club (2 speeches)
      2019-20 is seen now as the Black Summer fires. The majority of the fires—the worst, of course—were centred in New South Wales, but we had our problems in South Australia as well. The...
    • Taxation (1 speech)
      Everyone who pays tax in Aston will receive a tax cut on 1 July, and award workers in Aston now know that, on the same date, they will also get a pay rise. It's a 3.75 per cent increase, which...
    • Sturt Electorate: Australia Post (1 speech)
      I take this opportunity to raise the deep concerns in my electorate about the closure of Australia Post post offices. In particular, recently we have been informed that the Campbelltown Post...
    • Australian Greens (1 speech)
      I sat in this chamber when the leader of the Greens political party, who is present today, accused Labor MPs of being complicit in genocide. Within hours, an online campaign was launched calling...
    • Housing (1 speech)
      We have yet more problems with the government's ill-conceived and troubled Housing Australia Future Fund. We already know that the Prime Minister's pledge to build 40,000 affordable homes through...
    • Liberal Party of Australia, Albanese Labor Government (1 speech)
      The Liberal Party have come up with a solution, and I'm not talking about nuclear. This is a solution that is much less fissionable. Their solution is Josh Frydenberg. I'm left wondering that if...
    • Energy (1 speech)
      You may have noticed over the last few weeks that the Minister for Climate Change and Energy has been very active in the media, calling—in a very undignified and desperate way—for the...
    • Budget (2 speeches)
      Labor's latest budget has once again made clear the choice between Labor and the Liberals. Labor knows that Australians are facing cost-of-living pressures, and in budget after budget we've had...
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Visa Refusal or Cancellation (6 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs. In a leaked video reported in the Australian just before question time, the minister sensationally claimed...
    • Resources Sector (4 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Resources. How will the Albanese Labor government's investment into the resources sector deliver a future made in Australia? Are there any barriers to that agenda?
    • National Disability Insurance Scheme (13 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Minister for Government Services. With shocking revelations out of budget estimates last night that illicit drugs...
    • Nuclear Energy (4 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy. What has been the response to the latest analysis from the CSIRO, which has once again confirmed that nuclear is the most expensive...
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Physical and Sexual Harassment and Violence (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Attorney-General. Women across Australia are not getting the legal support they need to escape or recover from family, domestic or sexual violence. The independent review of...
    • Budget (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. What actions is the Albanese Labor government taking to ensure we can make more things here in Australia, and is there any opposition to building our future here?
    • Visa Refusal or Cancellation (17 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs. The West Australian newspaper has just published a report that yesterday another noncitizen described as...
    • Regional Australia (4 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government. How will the Albanese Labor government's Future Made in Australia plans benefit regional...
    • Economy (9 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. The latest ABS monthly data shows domestic inflation is growing at five times imported inflation. It also shows core inflation increased to 4.1 per cent in April,...
    • Medicare: Urgent Care Clinics (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Health and Aged Care. How is the Albanese Labor government making it easier for patients to see a doctor with urgent care clinics? Why is it so important to...
    • Cost of Living (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. Data from Western Australia's regional price index shows costs have risen sharply in regional WA. Halls Creek resident Sarah told ABC News, 'We can't even buy the...
    • Economy, Budget (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. How is the Albanese Labor government responding to the challenges in our economy in a responsible and balanced way, and what approaches have been rejected?
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
    • Hills Christian Community College, Verdun (1 speech)
      I'm pleased to advise the House that in the southern gallery today are senior school captains from the Hills Christian Community School in Verdun in South Australia in the member for Mayo's...
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Mental Health (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Health and Aged Care. The senseless attack at Bondi Junction on 13 April left six people dead and traumatised my community. The perpetrator experienced severe...
    • Vocational Education and Training (9 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Skills and Training. How is the Albanese Labor government building our skilled workforce in vital areas like housing, construction, the care economy and...
    • Immigration Detention (3 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Home Affairs. Yesterday in question time the minister was asked if the ABF drone fleet remained grounded. The minister chuckled at the dispatch box and...
    • Housing (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Housing and for Homelessness. How is the Albanese Labor government's Homes for Australia plan helping improve housing affordability, and what could block future...
    • Discrimination (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Attorney-General. Right now LGBTIQA+ people can be fired from their place of work if they come out. The Prime Minister reportedly told caucus there are two ways for your...
    • Workplace Relations, Aged Care Workforce (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Aged Care. How is the Albanese Labor government working to address the chronic undervaluation of gendered work in Australia, including in aged care, and helping...
    • Defence Personnel (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Can the Prime Minister explain the government's policy of watering down the entry requirements for service in the Australian Defence Force?
    • Wages (3 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations. How is the Albanese Labor government helping low-paid workers earn more and keep more of what they earn? What response has...
  • Matters of Public Importance (0 speeches)
    • Regional Australia (27 speeches)
      I have received a letter from the honourable member for Page proposing that a definite matter of public importance be submitted to the House for discussion, namely: This Government's continued...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Adjournment (0 speeches)
    • Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs (1 speech)
      Tonight I want to highlight the incompetent performance of the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, well supported in his incompetence by the Minister for Home Affairs...
    • India (1 speech)
      As the chair of the Parliamentary Friends of India, I want to acknowledge the election today in India, where votes are still being counted. With 969 million registered voters, India has the...
    • Manufacturing Industry (1 speech)
      I rise to express my disappointment in the federal budget: specifically, the lack of focus on developing small manufacturing businesses in Australia. When many of us think about manufacturing, we...
    • Middle East (1 speech)
      The situation in Gaza is catastrophic. It is horrific to see innocent children and people being killed when they should be protected. I once again reiterate the concerns and despair of so many...
    • Mobile Black Spot Program (3 speeches)
      The Mobile Black Spot Program is incredibly important. It was created by the coalition government back in 2014. The guidelines were put out in 2013, and the program itself began in 2014. It's...
    • Hosking, Mr Bill, Carter, Aunty Fay (1 speech)
      I rise to acknowledge a very special veteran in my electorate, Bill Hosking. Bill is a Darwin Defender and a World War II veteran, and he turned 100 this year on 26 April. Bill's birthday is a...
  • Constituency Statements (0 speeches)
    • Fowler Electorate: Multiculturalism (1 speech)
      Throughout the year many ethnic communities in Fowler hold a range of celebratory events and holidays that are unique to their culture. These groups include Vietnamese, Assyrians, Chaldeans,...
    • Brand Electorate: Volunteers (1 speech)
      Volunteers are an integral part of all communities around Australia, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the volunteers in my electorate for all the magnificent work that they do....
    • Queensland: Water Infrastructure (1 speech)
      The Bundaberg region and the North Burnett region produce 25 per cent of Australia's fresh food. The Bundaberg growers produce tomatoes, macadamias, avocados, zucchini, squash, cucumbers,...
    • Blair Electorate: Health Care (1 speech)
      The Albanese Labor government's 2024 budget continues to deliver better health services, strengthening and expanding Medicare and rolling out cheaper medicines. Under the budget, nearly $70...
    • Page Electorate: Casino Dance for Cancer, Page Electorate: Cricket (1 speech)
      I can't wait. The Casino Dance for Cancer is going to be held at the Casino RSM Club on 29 June. Hosted by the Cancer Council, it's an opportunity for all kinds of members of my community in...
    • Bennelong Electorate: School Leadership Awards (1 speech)
      The last few months I've had the privilege of travelling around local schools in Bennelong to present leadership awards to their school leaders. I do these visits because I want to use my role as...
    • Petition: Renewable Energy (6 speeches)
      I rise to table a petition. It's a 4½-thousand-signature petition on the offshore wind farm which has been proposed off the coast of Warrnambool and Port Fairy. I thank Richard Conlan for...
    • Hotham Electorate: Community Services (1 speech)
      It was recently National Volunteer Week. Of course, we've got lots of members of parliament around me here, and we all know that volunteers are the heart and soul of our communities and the...
    • Cybercrime: Scams (1 speech)
      I rise to speak today on scams and how they are affecting our nation each and every day. From phone calls to emails to texts and on social media, scams attack us in various ways. I want to raise...
    • Bells Amusements, Deadly Runners, Kemp, Mr Leonard (2 speeches)
      Congratulations to Bells Amusements on celebrating 100 years of service and fun. Although Bells are an Eden-Monaro family based in Queanbeyan, they travel and provide sideshow entertainment...
  • Bills (0 speeches)