House debates

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Constituency Statements

Fowler Electorate: Multiculturalism

4:00 pm

Photo of Dai LeDai Le (Fowler, Independent) Share this | | Hansard source

Throughout the year many ethnic communities in Fowler hold a range of celebratory events and holidays that are unique to their culture. These groups include Vietnamese, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Mandeans, Laotians, Chinese Khmer, Cambodians, Serbians, Croatians and South Americans—just to name a few—all of whom have a significant presence in the Fowler community. Examples of annual celebrations include the Assyrian new year, the Cambodian new year, Tet and Ramadan, which are often held in the heart of our electorate, at the Fairfield Showground. I have been extremely lucky to be a part of many revitalising experiences, which have demonstrated strong affirmations of Fowler's diverse identity.

In these times of celebration, I'm reminded of the multicultural and multifaith nature of my community of Fowler. Fowler thrives on empowering the plurality of backgrounds and beliefs that form our community's distinctiveness. Fowler remains the multicultural heartland of Australia, with more than 70 per cent of my constituents having a first language that is not English and over 50 per cent having been born overseas. Not only this, Fowler also has a diversity of religious practices and traditions, including Catholicism, Buddhism and Islam, with over 90 institutions and places of worship.

Despite misrepresentations of our community in the media that signify division and fracture in recent times, I can assure you that our unity is steadfast. I refuse to allow superficial reporting to demonise my community based on the actions of a few. The recent unrest in the community has highlighted for me the resilience and capacity of the people of Fowler to come together to overcome loss and tragedy. I would like to emphasise that cohesion, harmony and tolerance are values which are deeply entrenched in the way my community interacts with each other and the world.

We draw strength from the differences present in the community. Our multifaith foundations are a blessing and an acknowledgement of the multitude of stories and walks of life in Fowler. These foundations are brought together with a commitment that people who have chosen to resettle in Australia uphold the Australian values that have made this city and country unique. I often remind people how lucky we are to be away from the wars and other divisions which we still witness today in parts of the world.

I'm proud to represent and speak on behalf of the whole Fowler community who share our common values of giving people a fair go, of mateship and of living in peace. It is my hope that the beauty and richness of the people of Fowler continue to shine through as an antidote to those who attempt to sow seeds of division among us.