House debates

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Statements by Members

Durack Electorate: Volunteer Grants

1:45 pm

Photo of Melissa PriceMelissa Price (Durack, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

It gives me great pleasure to talk about some of the wonderful volunteer organisations in the seat of Durack. I recently announced the very worthy Durack recipients of the 2023-24 volunteer grants, with each group receiving up to $5,000 each. These grants are designed to support our volunteer groups to keep making a difference in their community. This year's Durack volunteer grant round had a focus on supporting local youth and encouraging the younger generation to help out within their communities.

Chittering Wildlife Carers, a wonderful not-for-profit in the south of my electorate, treats and cares for sick and injured native wildlife, with the aim being to rehabilitate animals back into their natural environment. They will utilise the funds to purchase essential joey formula and to train youth carers. Another worthy recipient is the Newman Gymnastics Club in the Pilbara, who can now provide safer equipment for their coaches and athletes. I'd like to shout out to Peta Baer, who runs the Newman Gymnastics Club and is an emerging East Pilbara leader. Well done, Peta. Also, Kununurra Neighbourhood House will be equipped with a new washing machine, iPad and modified trailer, and the awesome Bicycles for Humanity in Geraldton will purchase new parts and tools to continue their vital work of restoring old bikes and donating them to children in need.

On behalf of the entire electorate, I want to extend my gratitude to all of our volunteers for their remarkable contributions. Your commitment to serving others exemplifies the true essence of community spirit. You truly are the heart and soul of our Durack community.