House debates

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Statements by Members

Beenleigh Cane Parade and Gala Ball

1:33 pm

Photo of Bert Van ManenBert Van Manen (Forde, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

There is something particularly sweet about a town steeped in tradition. Beenleigh came together as a community on Saturday 11 May to commemorate our century-old-and-then-some cane traditions. Usually I'm behind the microphone and on the judging panel but this time I joined my team with our float going around the parade route, and it was great to catch up with so many local people and have a chat along the way around.

Since the festival made its much-anticipated return in 2021, the Beenleigh cane festival and gala ball has become one of the biggest events in the Logan City calendar. Colourful floats, marching bands and local groups showcased the rich heritage and spirit of our community, and it was a terrific, spectacular day. It says everything wonderful about our special part of the world that so many members of our community came out to be part of the parade and celebrate the rich history and tradition of the Beenleigh area. But it's also great for the newer members of our community to see and celebrate and be part of celebrating that rich tradition.

In particular, I want to thank the Rotary Club of Beenleigh for the enormous amount of work they do each and every year to make these events happen. They need to be congratulated for the tireless work they did in organising and running the event. I am looking forward to the 2025 Beenleigh cane festival and parade.