House debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Statements by Members

Durack Electorate: Schools

4:27 pm

Photo of Melissa PriceMelissa Price (Durack, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I was thrilled to recently join the Speaker in visiting five wonderful primary schools across the Pilbara. These included Baynton West Primary School, St Paul's Primary School, Wickham Primary School, Nullagine Primary School and the Port Hedland School of the Air. We spoke to hundreds of students about parliament, the Speaker and my role as the member for Durack. The quality of questions and engagement was excellent, leaving us both super impressed. Students also voted on an issue that is, quite frankly, dividing the nation. Of course, I refer to the all-important debate of pineapple: on or off pizza?

A particular highlight was our visit to Nullagine. This is a small school with a 100 per cent Indigenous cohort, for whom English is not their first language. The students described Nullagine as a good school and are excited for their new basketball rage cage. Connection to country is a key component of the school.

The Speaker also joined me in meeting virtually, maybe for the first time, with students from the Port Hedland School of the Air and presenting the long-term principal, Michael Jennings, with a certificate of appreciation now that he has announced his retirement.

I think we would all agree here that location should not be a barrier to quality education nor experiences like I've just described with the Speaker. I'd like to thank the Speaker for coming to Durack and for meeting with regional and remote students. I'd like to give a special thanks to the teachers for their fabulous efforts in logistics and a real special shout-out to those students, who really were amazing with their engagement and made me very proud.