House debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Statements by Members

Pinnacle College

4:28 pm

Photo of Tony ZappiaTony Zappia (Makin, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

On 23 May, I had the pleasure of representing the Minister for Education, Jason Clare, at the opening of the Pinnacle College Golden Grove campus $4 million two-storey multipurpose building. The project was assisted with $505,000 of federal funding. The new building will house a science laboratory, an art room, a food technology room, a STEM room, a special-needs room, classrooms, staff offices and a multipurpose room.

Pinnacle College now operates three campuses in South Australia. It commenced at Gilles Plains in 2005, opened a second campus at Elizabeth East in 2010 and opened a third campus at Golden Grove in 2019. As a non-denominational college, over the years Pinnacle has not only grown in student and campus numbers but has achieved a very high student academic success rate. The number of dignitaries at the opening, too many for me to name today, made clear the high regard in which the college is held.

My congratulations to the Pinnacle College leadership team, the staff and to the wider college community for both Pinnacle's success and, more importantly, for the college's significant contribution to education services in South Australia and the lives of the students who attend the college.