House debates

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Constituency Statements

Calare Electorate: Veterans

4:00 pm

Photo of Andrew GeeAndrew Gee (Calare, Independent) Share this | | Hansard source

The men and women who serve Australia in uniform put themselves in harm's way for our country. Our ADF personnel and veterans give Australia their best, so it's vital that in return our communities and nation give them our best. Ex-service organisations like Molong RSL sub-Branch go above and beyond to deliver the highest quality advocacy, services and support to both local veterans and those from around Australia.

Veteran wellbeing support officer and sub-branch member Marc Matthews is a leader in providing wellbeing support officer training across New South Wales, assisting in conducting training at more than 30 sub-branches. As a result of these efforts, over 125 new wellbeing support officers are now supporting the New South Wales veteran community. Marc aims to have over 300 wellbeing support officers trained in New South Wales. The Molong RSL sub-Branch has also established the first purpose-designed shopfront in New South Wales to support veterans in western New South Wales through wellbeing and compensation services. Molong's Veterans Advocacy Services is staffed by Marc Matthews, Thomas Squires, Commander Joanna Stewart RAN, Major Scott Fuller (Ret'd) and Warrant Officer Class 1 Sean Graham (Ret'd).

On top of these outstanding achievements for the veteran community, the Molong sub-branch partnered with Molong RSL Club to design and construct an extraordinary memorial silhouette garden commemorating the service of all service personnel—Navy, Army and Air Force—that have served our country since Vietnam. The memorial features iron silhouettes depicting Royal Australian Navy Leading Seaman Kane Bird, Australian Army Warrant Officer Tom Squires, Royal Australian Air Force Warrant Officer David Betts and military service dog Sarbi. I had the honour of viewing it on ANZAC Day. Well done to Marc Matthews and the Molong RSL committee—president Mary Mulhall, vice-president Lyn Maxwell, treasurer John Hale, board member Marc Matthews and administration officer Tanya Johnston—for their involvement in this valuable and much-needed project.

Another ex-service organisation in Calare that provides outstanding support to ex-service personnel is the Mudgee & Districts Vietnam Veterans Peacekeepers & Peacemakers Association. The volunteer run group is wholeheartedly dedicated to providing essential support measures like supporting veterans through transitions, helping veterans with their compensation claims and ensuring they get access to entitlements and services such as rehabilitation and wellbeing programs. I'll give a big thankyou to president and legendary advocate, trainer and mentor Ken Atkinson, vice-president Ian McMaster, treasurer Stephen Dorrington, wellbeing and welfare assistant Geoff Murray, secretary Ian Browne and office assistant Sue Tull. President Ken Atkinson is currently mentoring two trainees in the Mudgee area and six others across the state to ensure more veterans and their families will be empowered to improve their health and wellbeing, stay well and age well. I would like to thank all veterans for all they have done for our country and all local ex-service organisations for providing vital support to our veterans and their families.