House debates

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Constituency Statements


4:03 pm

Photo of Shayne NeumannShayne Neumann (Blair, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I know people in our community are doing it tough now, and that's why dealing with the cost of living is my No. 1 priority, and it's the No. 1 priority of the Albanese Labor government. Wages will rise for the lowest-paid workers, 2.6 million Australians, from 1 July. That's why in the centrepiece of the federal budget there were tax cuts to start from 1 July. In my electorate, 80,000 taxpayers will get an average tax cut of $1,380, and 90 per cent of them will get more than they would have under the previous Morrison government.

We want people to earn more and keep more of what they earn. These tax cuts are part of a broader economic plan that includes cheaper child care, strengthening Medicare, cheaper medicines, helping households and small businesses with lower power bills, fee-free TAFE and getting wages moving again. A tax cut will be given to 13.6 million taxpayers, and $300 for energy price relief will be given to every household in my electorate, and there's $325 for every small business. We're providing assistance in terms of HECS-HELP relief for 22,935 people who are in need of a helping hand as they do their studies. We are also providing an increase in Commonwealth rent assistance for 12,630 households in Blair. That 10 per cent increase goes on top of the 15 per cent increase we did in the previous budget.

The support we're providing for local people in our communities cannot be underestimated. It is absolutely vital. Those opposite wanted an election when it came to tax cuts and to changing those. They didn't support the energy price relief when we put it up previously. They give us platitudes and statements and nonsense, and it's always, again and again, about being concerned for the household needs of people in this country. Yet they would not support wage rises for the lowest-paid workers in this country. Not once during the nine years of the coalition government, from Abbott to Turnbull to Morrison, did they ever support wage rises for the lowest-paid workers in this country. It took a Labor government to do that, and that's why it's important for Labor governments to provide assistance.

From 1 July this year, the manifestation of the commitment of the Labor Party to people, in terms of cost-of-living relief, will be there for everyone in my local community. Those opposite opposed it verbally, again and again voting against support for workers, households and small business. They claim they're the party of small business. Well, let me tell you: my community's not supporting the nuclear-power fantasy of those opposite. The Tarong Power Station is half an hour's drive from my electorate, but the people in my electorate won't support your nuclear fantasy.