House debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

  • Australian Antarctic Program (1 speech)
    I was alarmed to read in the media last week that the Western Australian government is looking to snatch the Australian Antarctic Program away from Tasmania. I was alarmed because Hobart has long...
  • Bleasdale, Councillor Tony, OAM, Coral McLean Awards, Bowen, Mr Ross James (1 speech)
    At the beginning of May our community lost a great person in Tony Bleasdale, the mayor of the city of Blacktown. He was always and remains in people's memories as a fundamentally decent and...
  • Road Safety (1 speech)
    I rise today to talk once again about the dire need to address regional road safety. I've previously spoken about the need to seal and widen roads across my electorate of Durack that have...
  • Glen Waverley, Nunawading Spectres Tournament (1 speech)
    I am so delighted to be collaborating with the Glen Waverley Traders Association to encourage people in Chisholm and right across Victoria to shop local, love local and visit the incredible local...
  • Grey Electorate: Infrastructure (1 speech)
    On Monday I had a visit from Qantas representatives to inform me that they are retiring their Q200 and Q300 QantasLink aeroplanes around Australia and replacing them with Q400s. For those of you...
  • Fremantle Electorate: Arts and Culture (1 speech)
    Live music has long been the lifeblood of Freo social and cultural vibrancy. Fremantle has fostered generations of incredible songwriters and musicians, from Bon Scott to San Cisco, from Kavisha...
  • Naval Shipbuilding Industry, Nuclear Energy (1 speech)
    Naval shipbuilding is vitally important for our national security and for our defence capability—defending our nation and our interests. It's also vitally important economically for our...
  • Banking and Financial Services (1 speech)
    The push by the major banks to phase out the use of cash and cheques, close down bank branches and remove ATMs is causing widespread inconvenience and anger throughout the community. For some...
  • Chinese Labour Corps and Chinese Anzacs (1 speech)
    This morning I want to shed light on a frequently overlooked aspect of Australia's rich and diverse history. These are the war heroes known as the forgotten Chinese Labour Corps, who shared in...
  • Cowan Electorate: Cost of Living (2 speeches)
    I firmly believe that every member of this parliament, regardless of their political stripes, knows or at least should know just how tough many Australians are doing it with the cost-of-living...