House debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Statements by Members

Werriwa Electorate: Liverpool City Council

1:31 pm

Photo of Anne StanleyAnne Stanley (Werriwa, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Yesterday, Liverpool council's Liberal mayor and Liberal councillors reaffirmed their decision to dismiss the CEO, the Hon. John Ajaka. This decision follows a series of chaotic events which led to the Minister for Local Government of New South Wales launching an investigation into Liverpool's council several weeks ago—amongst other things, about handling of staff matters. But the mayor used his casting vote, not waiting for the inquiry to report. Today, however, I do wish to pay tribute to Mr Ajaka's time at Liverpool council. I had forged a good relationship with Mr Ajaka through our shared aspirations for the betterment of our city. I know that Mr Ajaka was working to improve our city; to support council staff, who he cared for deeply; and to make Liverpool the powerhouse in the region it should rightfully be.

I believe there will be ongoing legal argument about this decision—disappointingly, because it will cost the ratepayers dearly again. The changing of the CEO is not an insignificant matter; it can impact on the effectiveness of a council and cost ratepayers money in payout for legal fees and stalled decision-making. Our parks are overgrown, our roads are plagued by potholes and our streets are littered with rubbish. I'm hoping the elections in September restore a functional council; ratepayers deserve no less.