House debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Statements by Members

Lindsay Electorate: Penrith Women's Health Centre

1:33 pm

Photo of Melissa McIntoshMelissa McIntosh (Lindsay, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Energy Affordability) Share this | | Hansard source

Penrith Women's Health Centre recently found out that their MUSTER program's federal funding would not be renewed by the Albanese Labor government. They provide critical domestic violent support to women across Penrith, the Hawkesbury and the Blue Mountains. It's pretty outrageous, given the ongoing domestic violence issues we are having in this country. Nepean Police Area Command, which has stations in Penrith and St Marys, sees some of the highest rates of domestic violence reported in New South Wales. I have written to the Minister for Social Services and the Assistant Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, and am awaiting an outcome.

Today, Senator Kerrynne Liddle, the shadow minister for child protection, and I met with Penrith Women's Health Centre and we spoke about this very important issue. The CEO is having to stand down a staff member tomorrow because there is no more funding left. This could mean the organisation will have to reduce its casework by 30 per cent. There are vulnerable women who won't be able to seek out and receive support; women wanting to flee unhealthy relationships who won't be given the support they need. Mothers with children may not have that vital conversation which could lead to them leaving a violent partner.

Penrith Women's Health Centre is a great local organisation that assists so many women across the Lindsay community and into the Hawkesbury and beyond. Minister, please put the money back on the table for the Penrith Women's Health Centre.