House debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Statements by Members

Refugees and Asylum Seekers

1:34 pm

Photo of Peter KhalilPeter Khalil (Wills, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Last week was National Refugee Week, a time to raise awareness of refugee issues and celebrate the rich contributions refugees make to Australia.

My parents came here from Egypt 50 years ago. They escaped a region where conflict was the norm and opportunities were limited, and they sought a better life. Since being elected, it's been important to me to assist those seeking security, safety and new beginnings. I've always advocated, whether in opposition or in government, for Australia to be ambitious in support of asylum seekers and refugees because they make an incredible contribution to this country. Welcoming refugees to Australia is not only the right thing from a humanitarian perspective but it also helps to enrich our community and build our strong economy. That's why my team and I have assisted so many refugees and asylum seekers in my community of Wills.

I have met hundreds on TPVs and SHEVs, and heard their stories. Many have lived in Australia for over 10 years, and despite working, paying taxes and running successful businesses that employ other Australians, many have been left unable to obtain a loan or purchase a home, and they struggle to expand their business, travel or pursue further education.

The previous government failed this cohort, despite being found to be refugees requiring our protection. The Albanese Labor government has abolished the cruelty of TPVs as a priority—something I have long championed—and made these people's lives better so that they now can become Australians in the true sense of the word as well as in the contribution that they've already made to this country.