House debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Statements by Members


1:41 pm

Photo of David ColemanDavid Coleman (Banks, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Communications) Share this | | Hansard source

The Herald Sun front page yesterday told a shocking tale of the massive impost that this government is placing on Australian families who just want to use the internet. There have been massive price increases for the NBN, and they have happened with two price increases in just eight months. The Minister for Communications described the decision to allow these price increases as great news for consumers. That's what she said, 'Great news for consumers'.

How much have they gone up in those eight months? They have gone up 10 per cent, 11 per cent, 12 per cent, 13 per cent and as much as 14 per cent in just eight months. And do you know who is hit hardest by these price rises that the minister described as 'great news for consumers'? Do you know who that is? It is the people who can afford it the least. It is the people on the lowest-speed, more affordable plans who are suffering the greatest price increases. If you are on the 25 meg plan or the 50 meg plan, which is no less than six million Australian families, you have faced a price increase of 10 to 14 per cent in just eight months. It is a shameful indictment on this government in the middle of the Albanese government's cost-of-living crisis.